4 / 4
Dec 2007

Reading here on the forums and the help pages, I couldn't find an direct answer to a question I have.

I'd like to use the "Send payment data to your server" option... Are all the variables including (p_date, currency, etc.) sent via POST at this point?

If no, which ones exactly? The docs tell me different things depending on the topic (codes, email, etc.) so it is not clear to me what is sent when.

  • created

    Dec '07
  • last reply

    Dec '07
  • 3


  • 1.0k


  • 2


The integration page states all the variables which will always be present. There could be more variables if they come along in the IPN. You will have to refer to PayPal IPN's documentation for those.

Ahh great... wasn't sure because some variables are shown on some help pages, and others on other pages, but it's great to hear that they're available all the time!
