9 / 9
Jul 2011


I have just signed up with e-junkie and put the Buy Now and View Cart buttons on several pages of my new website.

The problem I'm having is that when I 'Preview' these posts they look fine (my husband has even made 2 purchases from the 'Preview' pages) but when I publish the pages, I get a 404 page.

I have created several websites and published hundreds of posts and pages, but I have never seen anything like this.

Has anyone else experienced a problem like this after adding e-junkie to their site, or does anyone have any ideas about what I could be doing wrong?

I am using a self-hosted Wordpress blog and I have the site visibility in 'Privacy' checked to allow everyone to view my blog. Outside of that, I have no clue if the problem is something I'm doing incorrectly with e-junkie or if I could be doing something wrong in another area.


Jo Ann

  • created

    Jul '11
  • last reply

    Jul '11
  • 8


  • 1.3k


  • 2


  • 3


Can you send the link to your site? Maybe it has something to do with the permalinks? Do the pages publish okay without e-junkie code?

My site's URL is: 1http://www.allplrshop.com/1

(It's brand new and that's the only post on there. I have others that I have posted, but because of the 404 error messages when I published them, I took all of them back down until I can find out what the problem is.)

Yes, I can publish pages just fine as long as there's no e-junkie code in it.

I even tried putting a dummy post on there after I had the problems with the posts with the e-junkie codes just to see if it would take it and it did (I took it back down).

This is how I have my permalinks structured:


That's how I have them structured on all my sites, but do you think that could be the problem here?

(Thanks for the reply)

Hmm... maybe try adding the E-Junkie code without Javascript (you just uncheck that box on the get button code page).

I had a problem with WordPress once where it was refusing to publish a page with Javascript in it. If the page publishes okay using the e-junkie code without javascript -- then you'll have to talk to your webhost about what's blocking the javascript. In my case, the host was able to turn-off the script that was preventing the page from fully publishing -- they had some kind of htaccess rule or something.

Well, I went back and tried that, but it didn't work.

I also installed the wp e-junkie plugin and tried it that way, but it didn't work with that either.

That is so weird. So the page works fine without the code, but when you add the code it can't be published, thus causing a 404 error. And even if you add the code without javascript, it still won't allow the page to be published.

My only other thoughts are:

1. try it after disabling the permalinks -- just for kicks.

2. ask your hosting company -- it really sounds like something on their end.

3. make sure you've also installed the "view cart" code -- the documentation says it's required on every page for the other code to function correctly.

Otherwise, I guess you'll have to wait for the experts to get back from vacation :). Sorry I couldn't be more help!

Wow - great! So it's definitely got to be something with your host -- it'd be good to get it fixed so you can still get the SEO benefit of those URLs.

Happy 4th!


I'll check into that.

And again, thank you for your time and help.

Jo Ann