Sorry to disappoint.
While creating a recurring payment plan through PayPal or Google itself is not that complicated, getting our system to work alongside that is a different matter altogether. Recurring payments is something that is on our development team's radar, but that is not something that can be easily or quickly enabled in the short term.
Bear in mind that because ours is a centrally-managed system that is shared in common among the thousands of merchants subscribed to use our system, it is not possible to make a custom modification at just one merchant's request which would not also apply the very same modification to every other merchant as well, so we have to consider such requests within the context of our existing, overall development strategy.
We place the utmost importance on maintaining bug-free stability and fool-proof simplicity for all merchants using our system. Development prioritizes new feature requests according to broadest potential benefit and the simplicity of programming them into our existing codebase and algorithms. Greater priority is given to popularly-requested features which many or most merchants could benefit from, and which can be written into our existing system fairly straightforwardly with minimal risk, whilst lower priority is given to features rarely requested and of benefit to fewer merchants, or which require substantial reprogramming or complexity that may introduce new bugs or instability problems in well-polished and stable parts of our existing system.