3 / 9
May 2011


I have gone through the below page about the uselessness of a recurring membership product option in e-junkiee.


But I am planning to promote a membership site as an upsell and I would like to share the revenue with my affiliates, this would be a great encouragement for them to promote low price entry products and possibilities to get a fat share in a membership sale.

Any Ideas how can I do that within e-junkiee

Warm regards,


  • created

    May '11
  • last reply

    Jun '11
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Hi Cheetu,

Unfortunately there would be no way to track that within our system. We can only track sales that we process, so we'd have no way to know when one of your affiliates was responsible for someone signing up with the membership site you are promoting.

If e-junkie has a script to track his reseller program which is a membership product, I don't see any problem in providing the same option to their clients...

Sorry, that's not the case here. While we do use PayPal Recurring Payments to manage subscriptions for the use of our own services, that isn't integrated with our cart or sales-processing system at all. We just help our sellers set up a payment schedule in their own PayPal account, telling PayPal to send us the same amount every month, so we just passively receive those payments to mark the seller's account as active for another month. Something like that can't be integrated into your affiliate program, especially when in this case it's someone else's membership program to begin with.

Nothing personal, I lately realized, just after my second post, that it would not be a natural for ejunkie to integrate a membership product in the current system.

A membership product has many options to deal with, perhaps that could become a separate and new service from ejunkie, like emonkey :)

Warm regards,



I am really dissapointed that you do not offer recurring billing.

You would think that with all the customers you have, you could afford to upgrade your system!?!

I was easily able to generate a recurring checkout button with google checkout - using their sample XML.

Paypal is even easier.

Why hasn't the team at e-junkie put a little bit of effort into this?? I think it would be the last step to making you guys DOMINATE the market, after all, I switched to you guys for a reason! LOL it's because you have some of the best features and ease of use... add in the ability for recurring billing and BAM you guys will be the best!!

Sorry to disappoint. :frowning: While creating a recurring payment plan through PayPal or Google itself is not that complicated, getting our system to work alongside that is a different matter altogether. Recurring payments is something that is on our development team's radar, but that is not something that can be easily or quickly enabled in the short term.

Bear in mind that because ours is a centrally-managed system that is shared in common among the thousands of merchants subscribed to use our system, it is not possible to make a custom modification at just one merchant's request which would not also apply the very same modification to every other merchant as well, so we have to consider such requests within the context of our existing, overall development strategy.

We place the utmost importance on maintaining bug-free stability and fool-proof simplicity for all merchants using our system. Development prioritizes new feature requests according to broadest potential benefit and the simplicity of programming them into our existing codebase and algorithms. Greater priority is given to popularly-requested features which many or most merchants could benefit from, and which can be written into our existing system fairly straightforwardly with minimal risk, whilst lower priority is given to features rarely requested and of benefit to fewer merchants, or which require substantial reprogramming or complexity that may introduce new bugs or instability problems in well-polished and stable parts of our existing system.

Well.. at any rate... thanks for doing what you do well... at your system provides everything else I could possibly want! And does it beautifully!! Thanks, and hope one day it's possible to add this feature. Thanks,


1 month later

I just think it's in bad form for E-junkie to openly reject the idea of implementing a system for handling recurring payments. There's been a demand for years here, and each time the crew turns up to tell them, "Sorry. Why use us when PayPal does it?"

Here's the thing. PayPal as a whole system is inferior to use by itself. We need e-junkie's functionality in conjunction with PayPal and similar payment processors.

The customer desire has been voiced for years, people are willing to pay extra if it means getting a recurring payment system with e-junkie, and it would serve the online world tremendously.

Please, for the sake of everyone who's ever needed it, please E-junkie, make this development a priority.

One of the hallmarks of a great business is it's willingness to listen and deliver what it's loyal customers are saying they need.

You've dropped the ball on this long enough. Time to make it happen and in doing so, you'd be giving all of us another reason to promote you far and wide.