5 / 5
Sep 2009

I have both tangible and PDF download products. I'm completely confused on how to set up flat rate shipping of $2.95 for domestic shipping per product and $10.95 for international shipping per product. When referencing your online help documents it says:

1. Go to E-junkie Admin > Cart shipping settings.

2. Enter 1 in "Domestic" per ounce price. Then in "International" per ounce price enter the factor by which your international shipping is more than your domestic shipping. Example: If you want the international shipping to be the double of your domestic shipping, then enter 2 in international per ounce price.

I can't find the fields "domestic" per ounce or "international" per ounce fields in Cart Shipping Settings. What am I missing here?


  • created

    Sep '09
  • last reply

    Sep '09
  • 4


  • 855


  • 2


  • 1


We rolled out some significant upgrades to our Shipping Calculation feature last week and are still working on updating our old help page documentation accordingly; meanwhile, you can read the announcement with a summary of the improvements here:


In particular for what you described, go to Seller Admin > Cart Shipping Settings:

- Shipping Origin: Select your country (if USA, also enter your zipcode);

- Shipping Destination: leave as-is if you ship anywhere worldwide, or if not, then select countries you will ship to;

- Leave everything else here blank or 0.00;

- Click Next to save changes and proceed to the second screen.

On the second screen of Shipping Settings, define your first Shipping Rule:

- Shipping Rate Calculator: Price Per Unit;

- Shipping Amount Per Unit: 10.95;

- Shipping Method Description: International (whatever you want, or just leave blank);

- Leave the rest as-is (All Countries/States/Currencies, Min/Max conditions left at 0);

- Click Submit to create the Rule (the new Rule will be added to your Existing Shipping Rules menu).

Define your next Shipping Rule:

- Shipping Rate Calculator: Price Per Unit;

- Shipping Amount Per Unit: 2.95;

- Shipping Method Description: Domestic (or your country name, whatever you want, or just leave blank);

- Country: Select your own country;

- Leave the rest as-is (All States/Currencies, Min/Max conditions left at 0);

- Click Submit to create the Rule (the new Rule will be added to your Existing Shipping Rules menu).

You're suggesting I leave the Currency field as is. Why wouldn't I select USD? Can you explain what the "Currency" field represents?

You could select USD if you wish; it works out the same either way if all your products are priced in USD. This just gives a way for merchants who have different products priced in different currencies to determine different shipping rules/methods/amounts based on the pricing currency of items in the buyer's cart. Shipping amounts are always applied to a cart order with the same currency as items in the cart.

Note that lower section of the Shipping Rules screen has a header that says, "Specify the conditions in which the above method will be made available" -- this means that IF any given order meets all the conditions you specify there, THEN the Shipping Method you'd configured above that would be offered to the buyer (if more than one method qualifies for an order, the buyer would be shown a choice of methods). Thus, if you select a Cart Currency condition, the method you'd configured would only be applied to a cart IF the pricing currency of items in that cart matches the selected condition currency.