gene_mI have no idea if my last post posted or not,.I can't seem to find the post and after clicking submit it just lead me to a blank page . Interesting forum e-junkie has here...So here it goes again
That might happen if you accidentally submit an article rather than adding a post on the forum.
gene_mAnyway, trying to upload a 2 meg file with no luck, the flipping server keeps resetting right in the middle of the download. I tried using firefox and IE7. I was able to upload a 0KB blank txt file indicating that the operation is not hindered by blocked ports or antivirus software. My file immedietly starts and then hangs up around anwhere bewteen 5-40% uploaded. Is this a picky server setting or something? I do not have high speed internet so my upload speeds are rather low. Could this be the reason?
Slow speed will only affect the time needed to upload, it won't stop the upload (unless your connection frequently drops)
By uploading a 0KB file, you really can't determine whether your anti virus is blocking the upload or not. Just disable your anti-virus/internet security software and the upload should work fine, unless there is an issue with an upstream provider.