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Mar 2012

Greetings E-junkies!

Just wondering if someone would be kind enough to help me with a problem i am having.

This is the code that i am currently using for my View Cart button:

<a href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&cl=206570&ejc=2" target="ejejc" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" onClick="javascript:return EJEJC_lc(this);"><center><img src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/ejview_cart.gif" border="0" alt="View Cart"/></center></a>

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


function EJEJC_lc(th) { return false; }

function EJEJC_config() {



function EJEJC_shown() {

jQuery("#imgHeader").attr("src", "http://www.eastwestcards.com/banner2.png");


// -->


<script src='http://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/box.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

When i use this code on a normal HTML page the pop up is very nice and clean. However, when i try to use this code in a block on drupal the pop-up still works but there is no banner and the tables for the shopping cart all messy and etc.

Note: I switched on Cloud Flare sometime before i started editing this code could this be one of the possible reasons it's not working right?

  • created

    Mar '12
  • last reply

    Mar '12
  • 4


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  • 7


We're not familiar with CloudFlare, but you might try disabling that to see if it corrects the problem. In order to display our overlay-style cart "inside" your page, your page needs to load our cart javascript which communicates with our server, so if CloudFlare interferes with that in any way, it could cause problems.

If that's not the problem, we would need to see the page where the glitch is happening to determine the cause with any certainty, but this help page may be relevant:


It's on www.eastwestcards.com just click the view cart button and you can see the difference. I will add a temporary add to cart button for a free product under the View Your Cart button so you can see what I mean.

I've gone through the help pages already and even the page that you referred me to, it didn't work unfortunately ):

Actually i did see a difference when i used


div#EJEJC_window div,

div#EJEJC_window table,

div#EJEJC_window td

{background-color:#FFF !important;}

at the bottom of my styles.css but it ended up making the entire table white, still no borders, spacing is wrong and etc. it's just all messed up.

How do i put exceptions for everything the cart so that the CSS for the rest of my page does not affect the cart.

Sorry i am not good at coding and etc. so this is very confusing to me, thanks for the help.

You would need at least a fairly adept grasp of CSS to sort out how the cart is being affected by your site's CSS code, so you could either modify that or add exceptions accordingly. The example code provided on that help page was just a pointer to get experienced Web developers started on the right foot; it's not intended as a quick-fix cure-all for CSS conflicts. Most likely the problematic CSS is coming from your site's theme, so you might try applying different themes until you find one that doesn't cause the problem.

If you'd like to hire some expert help with this, see the "developer directory" link at the very top of this page for a list of competent, E-junkie-experienced developers we can recommend.