We're aware of a problem that began yesterday regarding orders from eBay being recorded without an email address -- which is a critical piece of information we depend on in order to deliver any digital products for an eBay listing.
We've determined that the problem is on PayPal's side as the order information being received doesn't include the email address at all, so we've reported the issue to them and we're waiting for a fix.
If you are having this problem with any eBay sales you can send us further examples of the IPN messages that are missing emails.
In your PayPal account scroll down to the page footer and go to Sitemap > Transactions > Instant Payment Notification (IPN) history (or you can just use this link to access your PayPal IPN History after you have logged into PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_display-ipns-history )
Click on the corresponding Message ID for that IPN to view its full details, select everything inside the IPN Message field, copy that, and paste it into an email to our support team at support@e-junkie.com