First of all can I just say what a fantastic concept/product you have! And when I saw your pricing structure compared to other similar sites I was blown away!
I run a horse racing advisory service, otherwise known as a "tipster" service and people subscribe to my service on a monthly, ongoing basis. After coming across your site it then struck me that I could upload my product, which are a number of tips for any given day, in a simple text/pdf file and people could download these as often or as little as they like. At the moment they are contracted to me for a month at a time and this alternative would be brilliant.
I will have one product and I will put a new product in it's place every day throughout the month, (as it is time sensitive information and must be acted upon within hours of me placing it on the website)
I only have ONE product which I change every day, so I would come under the 40 products for $15 per month. Is that correct?