Hi, I have been using PayPal buttons in my retail website but I understand these will cease to supported by eJ and so I must migrate to the eJ cart. Can you help me in setting up the postage? I've read the documentation but I just can’t get what I need from it. I have experimented with the postage cart settings though and this is where I've got to:
I am trying to set a system of rules for posting items from the UK (often more than one in a sending, so varying the weight) using the UK’s system of flat rate postage charges per weight band – they don’t charge by the gram as such. So, this involves combining BANDS of flat rate postage charge with a cart-TOTALISED weight for all the items in the sending. For example, I want to do this for items shipped WITHIN the UK:
Weight: 0g – 250g = £1.82
Weight: 251g- 500g = £2.13
Weight: 501g-750g = £2.66 etc. (it reality there are six bands).
I’ve set the weight of a test product in setting up the item at 200g.
I then go to the Edit Cart Shipping Setting page.
On the first page I select ‘Product will be shipped from the UK’.
Beneath I select ‘Shipping Destinations’ and set that to UK.
I leave the weight on grams and everything else on zero (I might add weight of packing later).
On the next page I set ‘Create New Shipping Rule’ to ‘Flat’; select UK in the ‘Countries’ drop-down; set ‘Currency’ to Pounds Sterling; set Minimum Weight’ to 0g and ‘Maximum Weight’ to 250g (for the first weight band) and Submit to create the rule.
I then do this for each of the next two weight bands.
When I test it this seems to work fine with postage ticking up every time I add an item which crosses a weight threshold.
What I now want to do is add to this a similar set of weight bands for a GROUP of European countries (which all share the same price bands) and then a third group of countries covering the rest of the world. I hope I can set countries as groups in this way as it would be tedious to have to set each one individually. This is where I run into a wall. Can this be done or can you suggest a compromise solution? Thanks....