If you want to charge a flat $59 shipping for all orders regardless of quantity, just go into Seller Admin > Cart Shipping Settings, delete your zipcode (that disables USPS rates), set your Handling charge to $59 and all other rate/weight/cost figures to 0.00. That will add the $59 charge once to each whole order regardless of quantity.
To allow for the PICKUP discount without tempting other buyers to seek a discount that isn't there, you can change the text label of to the discount code field in the cart -- just add these lines to your View Cart code on each page, just before the "// -->" line:
function EJEJC_config() {
function EJEJC_shown() {
"For local pickup,<br>type PICKUP here:");
If you already have EJEJC_config() {} in your code, just add lines from the above example which are not already in your code.