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Oct 2011


I'd like to know if it is possible to have an eBook resent to my readers with a later version and including the user details again?

Also does the stamper include the user address also or is it just the name and email?



  • created

    Oct '11
  • last reply

    Oct '11
  • 3


  • 1.3k


  • 2


  • 7


The Stamper only applies the buyer's name, email address and unique Transaction ID to each page of the PDF they receive.

As explained on our PDF Stamping help page:

http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/selling-ebooks.htm 4. Ordinarily, if you update a product's file and the buyer uses their original, unexpired download link again after that, they would get the latest file you'd uploaded for that product; however, if you enable PDF Stamping, each buyer's original download link will always issue their original Stamped file, even if you re-activate their link;

5. Free download links issued via the Updates function in your Seller Admin cannot issue Stamped files;

6. New! Links issued manually via the Send Free Download Link function in your Seller Admin now can issue a Stamped file.

If it would be too cumbersome to issue each previous buyer a new link manually using Send Free Download Link, you might consider creating a product-specific discount code good for the full purchase price of that product, perhaps with an expiration date a week or month hence (do not set a Max. Use Count, as that only limits how many times a discount can ever be used, not a per-customer use limit). Then you could use our Newsletters service to send that code to previous buyers inviting them to use that code to order a new copy for free:


Thanks for your response.

So then I'm assuming that eJunkie Newsletter service can determine previous buyers from others and that the PDF will be re-stamped when each buyer downloads their updated copy?

I am using Wordpress, but with the intent to use their mailing list. Does eJunkie's Newsletter service integrate with WP?


As explained at the help link above, we maintain a Buyer Group list for each of your products, listing only that product's previous buyers. If you wish, you can view/edit/download your Buyer Group list(s) by visiting this link directly while you're logged into Seller Admin:


If you don't want to use our built-in Newsletter service, you could download a Buyer Group list and see about importing that to some other mailing list service. It would be entirely up to you to figure out whether and how it may be possible to import the list to any third-party service. You may want to consider using Aweber, since we do have a built-in integration method to subscribe new buyers to an Aweber mailing list:


After you upload your new file for the product, you should wait at least 15 minutes and then issue yourself a test link to make sure the Stamping works for your new file, before you would invite previous buyers to order the latest file.

The free download links issued through our Updates service CANNOT engage PDF Stamping. However, if you send previous buyers a Discount Code they can use in your cart to place a free order for your latest PDF, then the download links we issue for those orders would produce Stamped PDFs if you have that set up for the product.

You could even put an order link right in your email newsletter with the discount code embedded in the link, like so:


...where XXXXXX is your PDF product's Item Number and YYYYYY would be the discount code you'd set up (I've already included your E-junkie Client ID in the proper place). It may be a good idea to put this URL through a link-shortener such as TinyURL.com or Goo.gl and put that shortened URL in your newsletter, so the discount code won't be readily apparent and to minimize any risk of the longer URL getting broken by line wrapping as the message goes through the recipients' various email systems.