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Nov 2009


The recent announcement by PayPal about opening their API is good news. Read more: http://www.cnbc.com/id/33606052/site/14081545

I don't like the idea of sending the customer to PayPal's site to complete the transaction. In my country, Website Payments Pro is not offered, so I'm stuck with PayPal's site. Plus, although PayPal claim that Website Payments Standard doesn't require your customer to have a PayPal account, this is not the case in all locations.

The new API should allow us to have a streamlined user experience and eliminate the annoying requirement of a PayPal account (which some customers really object to as I learned).

So, E-junkie team, what are you gonne do about it? :-)

Are we going to see nicer PayPal integration any time soon?



  • created

    Nov '09
  • last reply

    Nov '09
  • 2


  • 1.1k


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  • 1


E-junkie has been using the new PayPal API before PayPal made it public. As far as I know the only way you can setup your checkout the way you want is to use PayPal Pro.

Thanks for your response.

I cannot get a Pro account since it is not offered in my country. Reading through the announcements, it did appear that this might be possible. I will check again.

