19 / 19
Dec 2013

I just finished setting up my website with a digital (pdf) download processed through E-junkie and PayPal Standard. I tested the download with a "Free" code and that worked fine, then I tried actually buying a download through PayPal. I used my wife's card and email as I am already registered with PayPal and it won't let me use my card and email without going through them. It went fine until I pushed to button to complete the transaction, when I was re-directed to a PayPal page that said:

"Sorry — your last action could not be completed

If you were making a purchase or sending money, we recommend that you check both your PayPal account and your email for a transaction confirmation after 30 minutes.

If you came to this page from another website, please return to that site (don't use your browser's Back button) and restart your activity.

If you came from PayPal's website, click the PayPal logo in the upper-left corner to return to our home page and restart your activity. You might have to log in again."

In spite of this of this, my wife received here receipt and confirmation by email as well as her download link, which worked just fine. However I am concerned because if a customer see the above message, they are gonna be on me like a dog on a bone complaining, before they even go to check their email. And I wouldn't blame them.

Oh, and BTW, I did receive the payment in PayPal.

Is there something I have set wrong somewhere that could be causing this? I search the Help and Forums and couldn't find anything else relating to this problem



  • created

    Feb '11
  • last reply

    Dec '13
  • 18


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Hi Danny,

I believe we sent you a response via email directly already, but for the record this was a PayPal error, and not a very common one.

We have no way to know what caused the problem from this end, but PayPal was still able to process the payment correctly and then notify our system as expected, which is why the download link came through in the end.

Your integration settings between E-junkie and PayPal are working just fine, otherwise the download wouldn't have gone through at all. I don't expect that you will see this error come up again, but if so I'd recommend checking with PayPal to see if they are experiencing any issues on their end.

Yes, I just got home to find both this response and the earlier email. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I suspected it was on the PayPal side, and I have opened a support ticket there as well, but so far I have had no response (other than the automated one to say they got it). I will let you and everyone know on here what they have to say.

Thanks again,


Okay, I just got email from PayPal support that sort of clears things up. I think the bottom line is that this shouldn't happen again -- I hope. Their response is below.


This type of an error can sometimes happen with a transaction which is

why we provide so much information on the page once that error shows.

The most common result of this error is a not necessarily with your site

provider, nor PayPal but an overload of your cache and cookies. This is

something that can only be based upon the computer that the buyer is

using, and how often they clear out the temporary internet files, cache

and cookies. If this is becoming a frequent issue with your buyers

please get as much information from your buyers as possible and contact

us with this information so we can review this issue and get it


I am getting the same message.

"If you were making a purchase or sending money, we recommend that you check both your PayPal account and your email for a transaction confirmation after 30 minutes.

If you came to this page from another website, please return to that site (don't use your browser's Back button) and restart your activity.

If you came from PayPal's website, click the PayPal logo in the upper-left corner to return to our home page and restart your activity. You might have to log in again"

I cleared my history and cahe, ect and its still happening. It is also happening from other people computers i used to test it out.

This is really not good as people will not be happy and potentially tarnish your rep, until they check their email.

I really want to take my product live and now I don't feel I can until this is rectified -

Any other ideas?

I need to go live today!!! :slight_smile:

As suggested by PayPal's response that mardan provided, this is a problem between PayPal's site and the buyer's Web browser, not anything to do with us, so you may want to contact PayPal support about that if it's still happening.

A bit of Googling for the first phrase of that message ("If you were making a purchase or sending money") turned up some mentions that the buyer must have their browser set to allow cookies; apparently blocking cookies entirely, or any cookie exception blocking paypal.com cookies in particular, is apparently one common cause that problem.

Also, I'm not sure if this may be relevant or not, but make sure you have set Auto-Return: OFF in your PayPal account's Website Payment Preferences, and also disable any setting requiring "encrypted" payment buttons (E-junkie button codes are tamper-proof and don't need the encrypted-button option designed to prevent tampering with PayPal's own button codes).

PayPal has posted a system status update which, although a bit short on details, appears to confirm this issue and their resolution of it:


Thanks. I am still experiencing it. I even set up a thank you page on my blog and set it up through e-junkie to send buyers there after successful purchase and I am still getting the same error even though the payment is going through OK.

Hmm, sorry to hear that the error is still happening. I'd recommend getting in touch with PayPal with any information you can get from your buyers or information about which browser you are using when you get this error.

13 days later

Hi, I'm new to E-Junkie and was testing the system for a downloadable product and I get the same error as the prior posters. I've submitted a support ticket at PayPal as they directed. Obviously they still haven't fixed the problem as of yet (Mar3) which is frustrating because it'll hold up going live on this product. As I write this I just received an email from PayPal with the following information:


"Unfortunately, the problem you’re experiencing with the return process is being caused by some technical issues with the PayPal system. Our engineers are currently working diligently on a solution to this problem. I am going to assign this ticket to our internal engineering ticket so that when the problem is resolved, you will be notified of its completion right away.

This ticket will remain in a "Pending Fix" status until you're contacted about the resolution.

I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!"


Hopefully they get it fixed soon. FYI for those who are interested.

Thanks for the update; we've got a ticket in with them as well, so we should be notified when they finally resolve the problem. FWIW, I found another thread on PayPal's developer forum where their rep acknowledges it's a known issue ongoing at their end:


Y'know, assuming I was the first one to report this problem (and that's not a very likely assumption to make), they've known about this for a month now . . . and it's still a "Pending Fix"! Sheesh!


E-JunkieGuru and E-Junkie Monster,

Since this paypal problem has persisted, I have added Google Checkout as an option but have kept paypal as option too. (Thanks for the recommendation!)

Is there a way I can make a note on the Add Cart/View Cart page that says the following:

"Only use Paypal if you have a paypal account. If you are a paying with a credit card, use Google Checkout"

Want to leave this note so people don't encounter the error from Paypal.



Okay, here's an update:

I haven't received any word from PayPal but I thought I'd give this one more go. Here's what I did (keep in mind I'm not saying anything I did here 'fixed' the problem):

1. Purchased a plan at E-Junkie (was formerly on the 1-week trial period)

2. Ensured my PayPal website payment preference settings were on default settings as directed per the original setup email from EJunkie (e.g. Auto Return=off, PayPal Acct Optional=on, etc.)

3. Cleared the PayPal cookies in my browser.

4. Did a test purchase and PayPal correctly redirected me to the EJunkie download page where I successfully downloaded the ebook.

I don't know if it was because of anything I did in the previous steps or if PayPal fixed their issue and just didn't notify me. Regardless, it seems to work. I'm going to do a few more tests just to be sure.

By the way, I purchased using both PayPal methods; the first using a credit card and the 2nd time using my personal PayPal account. Both times it worked.

Again, not sure why or what happened but thought I'd pass along the info for anyone else having this problem. It might be worth trying out again.

BTW, if you wish, you can block PayPal checkouts for buyers without a PayPal account -- i.e., disable the option to pay with a credit card on PayPal's checkout page instead of using a PayPal account -- by setting "PayPal Account Optional: OFF" in the Website Payment Preferences of your PayPal account profile. Hopefully this won't be necessary in case PayPal has indeed fixed this sporadic issue without confirming the fix to anyone yet.

2 years later

For ANYONE who has used e junkie and has encountered problems with Pay Pal linking to e junkie, would you PLEASE share your solution with me?

My web designer connected support here at e junkie and was given step by step instruction on how to set up the link between the two. He used the shopping cart provided and recommended by e junkie and followed all of their steps.

When a costumer ordered a digital download, she got her message from PP, with the amount, the name of the product, etc...

She never received her download. I contacted E.J., they gave me a list of things to do. I did all of those. It still did not work.

I then called PP, they said it was set up on a "third party" button, which is the button that e junkie provides.

Now, I am stuck. There is no connection between the 2. I have done everything the E.J. recommended. Pay Pal is saying , it's up to the third party.... because it is THEIR BUTTON. E Junkie is saying it's Pay Pal's fault.

I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!

It appears we are already working with you on this issue via email, so we'll continue the discussion there if needed.

The upshot is that our purchase buttons transmit our IPN (Instant Payment Notification) requirements to PayPal for every order we send to checkout, so they can use that to inform our system when they complete the buyer's payment, and then we would process the order (log the order details, issue links, send emails); however, we have yet to receive any IPNs from PayPal for your E-junkie products, so the problem is certainly at their end.

Our PayPal Troubleshooting page explains how to sort out the most typical reasons for that problem; I gather you have already gone through this, so I'm just linking it here in case anyone else with a similar problem runs across this forum thread in the future:
