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Oct 2011

Hi, I'm getting an increasing number of complaints from users that they are getting "errors" when tyring to checkout using credit card (i.e. paypal pro via ejunkie). Unfortunatley, the majority of these users do not write down the error or take a screen shot so I'm a little short on detail other than "i cannot pay using my credit card".

I generally make around 10-20 sales a day and I've had two seperate customers complain to me in two days and that is just the ones that are bothering to email me, others may simply be discarding their cart and going elsewhere. I've also had several similar issues in the past month or so.

I am certainly getting some credit card checkouts and I've tested myself and it works fine., but there is clearly some underlying issue either with ejunkie or paypal.

Is anyone else seeing this kind of thing? If so do you know of a fix?

Any comment from eJunkie on this? ... please don't say "speak to PayPal".

  • created

    Oct '11
  • last reply

    Oct '11
  • 2


  • 960


  • 2


Hm, your Transaction Log shows you are still getting orders via "PayPal Pro (DirectPayment)" checkouts, so that indicates everything is fine at our end and with the integration setup between E-junkie account and PayPal Pro, therefore, any problems with completing that type of checkout would have to be at PayPal's end, and without an exact error message or error ID number from affected buyers, we have nothing more to go on that could help get you pointed in the right direction with PayPal support. :^(


yes you are correct, I am still getting the majority of card payments, but also getting an increasing number of complaints from users about errors when trying to use cards.

I'll try to get error messages or screen shots the next time someone tells me about the issue.

That said, I am surprised that you guys cannot also see these errors since they are rendered via your UI .... I accept that PayPal that are probably the root cause of the error and you simply relay their error codes to the user. However, I'd still expect that you'd have these logged somewhere - is this not the case?

Is anyone else seeing this kind of issue?