I clicked the paypal website pro payments and followed the instructions as below
Paypal accepted the API ect...
When I made a trial payment test with 2 debit cards issued from 2 counties (Russia & EU) I recieved the following message
Merchant country unsupported.
The merchant country is not supported.
Why this happened?
Step 4: Setup API Access
Log into your PayPal account;
Click Profile in the top bar;
Click My selling tools along the left;
Look for API Access under the Selling Online section and click Update;
Click Grant API Permission;
The Add New Third Party Permissions page appears;
Enter our Third Party Permission Username:
(you can copy and paste to make sure you enter this accurately);
Click the Lookup button. Our partner username will then be verified and you will be shown a list of permissions that you can give us;
Checkmark the following boxes under the list of Available Permissions:
Use Express Checkout to process payments
Process your customers credit or debit card payments
Authorize and capture your PayPal transactions
Click Add or Save;
Log into your E-junkie account;
Go to your E-junkie Seller Admin > Edit Payment Preferences screen;
Checkmark the box for PayPal Payments Pro and click Submit.
Oct '12
last reply
Oct '12
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