
I clicked the paypal website pro payments and followed the instructions as below

Paypal accepted the API ect...

When I made a trial payment test with 2 debit cards issued from 2 counties (Russia & EU) I recieved the following message


Merchant country unsupported.

The merchant country is not supported.


Why this happened?


Step 4: Setup API Access

Log into your PayPal account;

Click Profile in the top bar;

Click My selling tools along the left;

Look for API Access under the Selling Online section and click Update;

Click Grant API Permission;

The Add New Third Party Permissions page appears;

Enter our Third Party Permission Username:


(you can copy and paste to make sure you enter this accurately);

Click the Lookup button. Our partner username will then be verified and you will be shown a list of permissions that you can give us;

Checkmark the following boxes under the list of Available Permissions:

Use Express Checkout to process payments

Process your customers credit or debit card payments

Authorize and capture your PayPal transactions

Click Add or Save;

Log into your E-junkie account;

Go to your E-junkie Seller Admin > Edit Payment Preferences screen;

Checkmark the box for PayPal Payments Pro and click Submit.

  • created

    Oct '12
  • last reply

    Oct '12
  • 1


  • 1.3k


  • 2


  • 1


Did you also already register with PayPal to upgrade your PayPal account to PayPal Payments Pro and have that registration approved at their end? If so, is your PayPal Email setting in Seller Admin > Edit Profile an email address linked to the PayPal account you upgraded to Pro, and is that the PayPal account where you'd set up the API access?

Simply setting up our API access permissions (Step 4 in our instructions) would not work if your PayPal account had not already been upgraded to Pro at their end (Step 3). At present, it appears new registrations for PayPal Payments Pro are only available to sellers based in the US, so if your PayPal account is not registered as a US-based account, you would not be able to use PayPal Payments Pro.

Bear in mind that even if you just use PayPal Payments Standard, PayPal's checkout site can usually offer buyers a card-based payment option if they don't have a PayPal account -- see this help page for further details and recommended settings:
