25 / 25
Apr 2008

Ok thanks! The site itself doesnt work or the cart buttons? What exactly did you do that did not work?

E-junkie, is there any reason why the buttons wouldnt work or a resource for crafting your button cut and past code so it will work for all situations?

You should load Firefox on your PC and test it. The site doesn't look like it does on IE, and the View Cart button isn't a link.

Yes just did that. Wow, thanks for the feedback.

Now I just have to figure out what html is causing the problem.

Also, the guy with teh AOL browser (i think he only used aol) had problems as well.

Anyone know at site where it explains the common problems for displaying in all the browsers or a tool that will earn you?

purebread, i tried in ie browser and couldnt get add to cart to work. i click the button which it does see as a link but nothing happens.

this is ridicoulous if i may say so myself.... theres is no way in the world i will be moving my 150+ products to a system with 0 support and half way works...

no way at all

i really would like to use this support and am encouraging the team to step it up ... i will be looking else where so if anyone finds anything please let me know

i made some changes to my site.

can someone try it again and see if they can


1 - in firefox add something to the cart.

2 - in firefox and IE see if you can hit the paypal button in the shopping cart and have it open a new window for paypal.


In Firefox, I added the $16 item to the cart fine. You fixed the button. I clicked Paypal and got a message that the popup was blocked. I told it to allow popups from your site and the next time I tried it work fine. That's all I tested.

on ie... it added fine but when checkout just closed and went back to original site

thanks harry!

thanks purebred! i dont exactly understand what you mean. can you explain again what the problem was?

I clicked add to cart. it updated the cart by popping up. Clicked checkout and it closes the popup and your original page remains the same...

Do you have an idea why my cart isn't working?

The view cart is but the add to cart isn't...

I'm getting ready to launch and this is really getting to be an inconvience and I'm also hearing about the cart not working for hours at a time...

When you click on the checkout paypal button it just closes the popup shopping cart and does not popup a new browser window asking for paypal login?

Purbread, as far as your site the button doesnt open or change anything for me. I looked at your code and maybe it is becuase it can not be inside a form like that, i dont know. Did you try getting your button code again and seeing if you have all the stuff from that? It seems you have something missing in the line of code - unless it is somehwere else and I missed it. for example, where is the HREF part of the code where is specified your ejunkie ID and product code?

Well, I worked all day to try to get both IE and Firefox to show the same webpage. It seems to work as for the display:


If it doesnt work for you or looks different please let me know.




As for e-junkie - I still need help understanding what some customers can't get the paypal to open the next window? He tried it from office and home and also turned off his popup blocker. What are the problems regarding this?

Just tried it here and managed to add items to cart, checkout to paypal, and view cart without any problems. I'm on Firefox Seems fine.

I've just tested this in both IE and Firefox, and it seems to work fine in both browsers on XP. A bit of delay waiting on PayPal to respond, but that's on their end, nothing to do with E-junkie nor your site. I'd suggest advising your customers to be patient while PayPal catches up to them after they click the Checkout button.

Thanks guys. I appreciate the help. Not sure why customers are having problems and I hope the changes I tried made it work for the customers.