Dear support team at,
On we created a page to invite service providers to offer a OneTimeBuyButton, targeted to DomainTrading, especially to SocialDomaining.
I googled for such a one-timer, but found no entries.
Otherwise I suppose, that E-Junkie allows this control for their customers.
It would be great to leave here some (link to a) detailed answer, that we can refer to here from
Clicking on the OneTimeBuyButton should at least lead to a page, notifying the user, whether the domain is
sold or not.
We can then immediately put it to use in Aboutus.
However an even superior solution would be to have such an OneTimeButton integrated into the API of a GoogleSpreadsheet or EditGrid or Zoho or a similar (public open) online Spreadsheet, such that when the Buy-
Button is used the first time, it is greyed out immediately after that.
The most seller- and buyer-friendly solution would be of course the automation of the payment with an induced
(Intra-) RegistrarDomainTransfer. This would practically work as a FreeEscrowService, making life easier for
millions of Domain buyers and sellers.
From the registrar I know, that a transfer from one customer to another one takes only a sequence of
a handful actions, that could easily be taken over by a program.
Other registrar might have similar procedures.