5 / 5
Dec 2010

I searched the entire site for the answer to this question. The pop-ups are nice, but I couldn't get them to finish loading on my mom's computer. Thinking other's may experiece the same thing, I removed the button which forces a straight connection to check-out with no pop-ups. Is there any down-side to not using the "View Cart" button on every page?

  • created

    Dec '10
  • last reply

    Dec '10
  • 4


  • 961


  • 3


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If you were using Buy Now buttons, those bypass our cart and take buyers directly to instant checkout for just one item at a time, so any lag or delay in page-loading there would typically be at the payment processor's end (e.g. PayPal).

If you are using our standard E-junkie Cart buttons, you should include at least one complete block of View Cart code from your Seller Admin on every page where you have any number of Add to Cart buttons. The View Cart code manages the nice overlay-style cart display "inside" your page, but it has to be on every page in order to work.

If a page is missing the View Cart code, or if that code is incomplete or gets garbled somehow, then our cart buttons will still work in "fallback" mode, by popping-up a separate window/tab to display the cart. The non-JavaScript version of our cart button codes, which you can obtain from Seller Admin, also use this pop-up cart window/tab. However, items added to this popup cart would not show up in the standard overlay-style cart, and vice-versa, so you should make sure all the pages in your site are using one or the other, rather than a mixture of both types of cart display.

Hey, Guru! Thanks for the answer.

I tried the Buy Now button code, but it forces me to choose between paypal and google, and I would like to give my buyers the choice of both. Would you take a look when you can, and let me know if you see a problem with not using the view cart? It seems to be working well so far.


There won't be any technical problem with skipping the View Cart button, the cart will still function in a new window and allow checkouts.

The only thing you'd be missing out on is that buyers wouldn't have a button to press to check what they have added to their cart so far -- they'd have to hit an Add to Cart button to get back into the shopping cart and that might be a hassle for them.

Buyers don't typically have any trouble with our overlay cart at all, but if you want to avoid it while still including a View Cart option on your site you can use the non-Javascript version of our button code. That will allow you to use Add to Cart and View Cart buttons while opening the shopping cart in a new window as you prefer.

Thanks Guru for checking that out for me and all your information. Very appreciated!