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Dec 2010


I was attempting to setup a Free Download link for a client tonight, but none of my products show up in the pull-down menu on the Send Free Download Link page. My products are live and healthy in the Edit Products area. Is anyone else seeing this or did I miss something about this feature not being active on certain accounts (I'm using external download files)?



Apparently that is because your products are using Variants to offer buyers a range of licenses priced accordingly. If you temporarily disable Variants in the product's settings, then you will be able to send free links for that product. Make sure you copy the Variants config lines first and paste them somewhere else like a Notepad window for safekeeping, so you'll be able to repaste them back into the product settings when you re-enable Variants.

I'm not quite clear on why this limitation exists, so I've asked our Lead Developer for an explanation. Maybe this is just an incidental side-effect that we could remove in the next version of Admin we've been working on.

Ahh, that explains it.

Yeah, it's not feasible for me to turn off the variants and essentially disable the product every time I need to send a promo download to a reviewer or associate. It shouldn't happen very often, but it really should just work as described. :)

When you submit this, can you please also stress how much of a major drag it is to have to uncheck variants, set a price and then recheck variants to make any modifications to the product (such as tweaking the cross-promoted items, which happens very often)? :)



As I recall, I used the word "tedious" in my report to Development about the necessity for that procedure. :^)

As another alternative, I think you could create a dummy product using "Package files from other products", select the original product whose file should be issued, then Send Free Link for that dummy product.

For yet another approach, you could create a discount code for the specific product you want to give away, good for the full purchase price of the item, with Max. Use Count = 1 (so once it's used, it becomes invalid for everyone), and send that code to reviewers et al. allowing them to order the product for free. You could even create the discount with a list of discount codes (note this will clone the discount out into a series of separate discounts, one for each code), then just keep that list handy where you can issue one code from the list as needed.

Hehe - yeah, "tedious" pretty much covers it. :wink:

Cool, thanks for the work-around ideas, and that's a nice tip re the multiple discount codes peeling off into separate entries - me likes! :)

Thanks for keeping some pressure on this one - I'm sure I'm not the only one using variations and cross-promoted items (or sending periodic free links), so hopefully others will benefit from these tweaks also.

Cheers Tyson!