8 / 10
Dec 2011

Could you guys please implement the following features if possible:

Create a separate email newsletter option just for the affiliates.

Create a feature that automatically adds a buyer to your getresponse or aweber email list.


  • created

    Jun '09
  • last reply

    Dec '11
  • 9


  • 1.3k


  • 3


  • 3


Isnt $10 to mail 450 ppl a little much lol.

Anyways, I sent out an email with the title

[%firstname%], help me out.

And it actually sent it out as [%firstname%] instead of their first name ! how come?

and thanks, looking forward to it.

You should actually be using [%first_name%], and of course such variables will only work if you Enable Templated Email for the message; the full list of substitution variables we support for emails are documented here:


Our Newsletter function is only provided as an extra-charge convenience for merchants who hardly ever need to send mass emails and/or don't wish to bother enrolling with a third-party specialist mailing list service like Aweber for their email marketing needs. Since sending Newsletters does impose a fairly significant performance "hit" on our servers, and we don't have the economy of scale for mass-emailing functions that a dedicated mailing-list specialist would have, we charge to recoup the increased overhead costs we incur by sending Newsletters, and this also serves as an incentive for merchants to use a third-party service like Aweber which would be both better and cheaper than we could ever be for most routine bulk-emailing needs anyway.

Yes well the [%first_name%], worked in the body but not in the title. Little embarrassing and impersonal :(.

Anyways, Thanks :smiley:

Could we possible get an integration with GetResponse, after all it is one of the mostly used auto responders out there.

I can ask Development to consider it, but it may be a fairly low-priority wishlist item, since we already integrate with Aweber for merchants who need to integrate E-junkie with a full-service mailing-list specialist service.

2 years later

I'm interested in starting an eNewsletter but need to know the percent breakdown in costs:




Can someone tell me what to expect?

I'm interested in starting an eNewsletter but need to know the percent breakdown in costs:




Can someone tell me what to expect?