How much information is required from the customer before purchase concerns me. Up till now with eJunkie things are easy going through PayPal.
I read on the Financial Times article that Google Play have arranged for this new law recently. On Google Play, if you click "buy" on a product, it then has the option "add a paypal account", when you click that it then asks for the name and address.
So going by that I'm guessing that's the information required by this law? I'm glad it's not the phone number too, that might be even more off-putting. I get enough spammy phone calls myself so I think customers would be wary of giving their telephone number over if buying something online, I know I am.
On a long term view I think this (in principal, NOT implementation) was inevitable? what with the more international trade, and there being no physical issues for the increasing market of digital commerce. Otherwise you would end up with every company based in Luxembourg reaping from other economies and giving nothing in return. Yet at the same time it doesn't half pose quandary with regards to E-junkieGuru's earlier comment about "taxation without representation" which I guess could have been better dealt with in the implementation of this law.
I'm not saying the law good at all though, it's far too much too soon. There should be a threshold and implementation should have been much better, such as an international EU flat VAT rate for example. I signed the petition.
Can anyone confirm or pass a link as to how much information a business is required to obtain from the customer? I found it hard to find and official government sources.