I just wanted to come back to concrete things that could be done into Ejunkie cart, in order to help all of the be in situation to simply be able to calcule clearly our tax revenue to possibly declare to MOSS.
What we need is:
-a similar system as for the one already there for US states in the account's VAT settings page: a list with all the 28 EU countries with for each one a field were the specific % rate can be entered/modified
-a check box in product page to indicates that the EU VAT is applied (actually we could just simply use the VAT checkbox already existing)
-a check box in product page to indicates that VAT is calculated as a deduction (thus, not an addition) from the price indicated in the product page: THIS IS IMPORTANT because for my case, we sell 99% to public (not to company that have a VAT registratoin number), and public requires to see the price inc VAT! When a product is in the cart, impose the user to enter his country: depending the country, the cart can now calculate the specific VAT amount, and the price excl VAT: these amounts can then be listed into the Ejunkie transactions database of the seller, plus maybe sent to Paypal too for compteing the transaction :in this case, I suppose that if the user ask for a receipt/invoice through Paypal, the VAT part could then be proprely displayed.
Adding this feature does not seeems long and so complicated (...my opinion, I'm software engineer), but this could then allow us sellers to export each month a CSV report with totals of VAT collected per each country: with this under excel we get easily totals to declare with MOSS system.