ive purchaced the gold membership

but now im really confused

i want to offer the gold membership in my ejunkie shop

torrents is really throwing me off,i understand i have to download products to add to my shop

do i have to have a super computor setup to do this it seems my comp.

just cant handlle ,all that im throwing at it.

e machine w3650 help on using torrents and is this the only means off products through my gold membership


  • created

    Jun '09
  • last reply

    Jun '09
  • 1


  • 878


  • 2


Sorry, we don't understand anything you're describing? It doesn't sound like anything to do with E-junkie. You would need to contact the seller who sold your product, or if you are participating in an affiliate program to earn commission, contact the seller who operates that affiliate program for further information or instructions.

If you are an affiliate, E-junkie's affiliate system is free for affiliates to use at no charge. If you have paid any "upfront money" to participate in any affiliate program being managed through our system, we forbid that kind of scheme on our system and will suspend any merchant accounts in our system who are discovered to be conducting such activity. If you have already paid any fees for any affiliate program, we would strongly recommend that you attempt to get the charges reversed through your credit card issuer or by filing a complaint with the online payment service which handled your checkout for that fee.