What is the protocol when one needs to change things in their affiliate program? The reason is because I am starting to co-produce certain products and I am also entering into contracts with marketers to market certain products so those are no longer going to be available for my regular affiliates to collect fees on.

What is the procedure I should use when removing products from eligible affiliate fees?



  • created

    Oct '12
  • last reply

    Oct '12
  • 1


  • 1.0k


  • 2


You can exempt a product from affiliate sharing by one of these methods:

- Enable its product-specific Hop Link and set a 0% product-specific percentage;


- Leave your Common affiliate Share set at 0% even if you enable your Common Hop Link, and then just enable the product-specific Hop Link and specify a product-specific share percentage only for those products that should grant a commission.

Eventually we plan to make the product-specific share % independent of enabling a product-specific hop link (since it clearly doesn't make much sense to offer a specific link for a product that grants no commission), but currently things work as explained above.

That said, we generally recommend granting at least some nominal commission on every product if you're going to have an affiliate program at all, since affiliate-referred sales typically would not have happened at all without their referral, so they deserve some compensation for that. This will also minimize the potential for confusion and complaints when affiliates get notified of a sale they referred which granted $0 commission on a product with 0% share.

You may also wish to download your affiliate list from Seller Admin > View/Edit Affiliates, so you can email them personally to bring to their attention any changes to your affiliate program.