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Apr 2008

Total e-junkie newbie just getting started, needs an hour of phone mentoring on very basic stuff. Am anxious to get products posted for sale and have run into a few snafus (probably self-created).

Need someone familiar with basics of posting products and using 'buy buttons' to work with me in one or two short phone sessions for pay.

Are you available now?



  • created

    Apr '08
  • last reply

    Apr '08
  • 2


  • 822


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Hi Richard,

I have been selling on E-Junkie for nearly two years now, and have personally done all the shopping cart integration into my e-commerce website. You can see how I integrated everything by visiting http://www.Pediasleep.com and taking a look at the individual sounds that my company sells.

Getting started on E-Junkie can have a steep learning curve that can leave you scratching your head and frustrated at times at the self-induced "snafus" you describe (been there, done that), but you are right that it's indeed "simple stuff" once you get the hang of it.

I would be happy to provide the "hand-holding" you are looking for, and take the time to walk you through the steps in a phone or web consult session. Compared with learning how to do it yourself though, I bet a consult would save you at least a couple hours of work.

Please send me an email by clicking on my user profile on the top left of this post, if you're interested.



Pediasleep LLC


Not to step on Andrew's toes here if he's willing to help out in this particular case, but "just for the record" in case anyone else happens across this thread in the future, we do have a list of experienced E-junkie developers available for hire to do everything for you or, conceivably, to provide live phone tutoring. Look for the "developer directory" link on the top our main site's Sellers pages, which link points to here:
