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Dec 2011

Hello, is there a way to have one button design for different products? Or do I have to paste my own button url into every single E-Junkie's Add to Cart button's code? Thank you.

  • created

    Dec '11
  • last reply

    Dec '11
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I'm not quite sure I follow what you mean, so I'll provide some general information here

Once you set up your products in E-junkie Seller Admin, we provide you with ready-made HTML codes for your cart buttons. You would simply copy the codes from us and paste them into the HTML source of your own Web site pages, wherever you want our buttons to appear among your own layout, text and images.

Each product has its own Add to Cart code referencing the product's unique Item Number in your Seller Admin. Your View Cart code is unique to you but the same for all your products, and it adds some javascript to your page that manages a nice, overlay-style cart "inside" your own page; just make sure you paste at least one complete block of your View Cart code from Seller Admin into every page that has any number of Add to Carts.

The top of this help page explains how to modify our standard button code to replace our standard button image with a custom button graphic or text link:


We do not have a way to specify an alternate button image that would automatically be included in the button codes we generate for you. However, if your site is built in WordPress, the WP E-junkie plugin makes it even easier to add our cart buttons to your pages, and that has a way to specify a custom button image that it would use for all the cart buttons it inserts in your pages:


Hello, thank you for your response. What I meant is this. I have a store with couple of products, but I don't want to use E-junkie provided Add to Cart button, but use my own. Because each of the buttons url's is different for different products, that means I have to put my button's appearance url in every single button manually. So my question is whether there is a way to put my own button design in all all of the E-junkie's Add to Cart buttons or do I have to do it automatically for each single button? For example:

Product 1 E-junkie's URL: .....<img src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/ejadd_to_cart.gif" border="0" alt="Add to Cart"/></a>

Product 2 E-junkie's URL: .....<img src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/ejadd_to_cart.gif" border="0" alt="Add to Cart"/></a>

Product 1 and product 2 have different symbols for product, but the image part "http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/ejadd_to_cart.gif" is the same. Do I have to change an image for every single product manually or can I put my own button url and apply for all of the products? Thank you.

We don't have a way to specify an alternate image URL that should be used in the button codes we generate for you. You would need to replace the button image URL manually when you paste the button code into your site. Make sure the button image you use is clearly a "call to action" that buyers can tell they should click to order the item -- i.e., a picture of the product would be unsuitable as a button image, as most buyers would be unlikely to realize they need to click the picture to order the item.

Thank you very much for your response, it is very useful.