Looks like 3dcart rolled out Bitcoin support for their 16,000 customers via payment processor Bitpay in version 6.
Bitpay is an extremely simple payment processor for Bitcoin. As a merchant all the information they require for an account is (1) name, (2) TIN, (3) bank account number and (4) ABA routing number. Then you can set the % you want to receive as BTC and USD. Daily they will process any bitcoin payments, convert the relevant amount and direct deposit the USD to your bank account. Very user friendly and have always performed flawlessly for me.
Perhaps some type of Bitpay and E-junkie integration would be possible? Bitpay has a simple API and a merchant can easily get the API token.
With Google Checkout going to the graveyard we need more options for receiving payments.
Awesome, good to see some of the newer shopping carts are willing to be adventurous with features. Unfortunately it doesn't look like 3dcart works with paypal or google checkout. Foxycart does everything, but they are way expensive, and charge per sale.
But really, E-Junkie just needs to step up their development. It seems like they did some one time development back in the day, and now their dev team is a ghost town that barely has time to respond.
Now that Robin Kholi (e-junkie founder) has his f#@* you money, he's out of the startup mindset. Robin, if you're listening, I'd gladly put in $1000 for a bounty to implement bitcoin payments on e-junkie, my favorite shopping cart system.
Sorry for the delay in responding to your post.
Currently we are not looking at adding integration for BitCoin. At this time our development team has been working on re-writing our entire system to make it non-flash based. Once our new Admin is setup and released for use, then we can look into adding support for other payment processors.
Robin took over the day-to-day running of his family business, our parent company, a couple of years ago, and although he is still part of E-junkie his efforts are primarily set with our parent company.
I will pass on your suggestion for adding BitCoin, but please bear in mind that there is no telling if we will even be able to integrate our system with their payment processing setup. The reason we only provide Buy Now buttons with some payment processors is because of compatibility issues.
E-junkieNinjaSorry for the delay in responding to your post.
Currently we are not looking at adding integration for BitCoin. At this time our development team has been working on re-writing our entire system to make it non-flash based. Once our new Admin is setup and released for use, then we can look into adding support for other payment processors.
Robin took over the day-to-day running of his family business, our parent company, a couple of years ago, and although he is still part of E-junkie his efforts are primarily set with our parent company.
I will pass on your suggestion for adding BitCoin, but please bear in mind that there is no telling if we will even be able to integrate our system with their payment processing setup. The reason we only provide Buy Now buttons with some payment processors is because of compatibility issues.
So, 3DCart it is, then.
Thanks for not trying.
Kind of what I am thinking also; particularly since Bitpay's API documentation is pretty simple and only 10 pages in total.
I am simply losing too many sales by not having Bitcoin slickly integrated with my E-junkie store and since it is not on the horizon then I suppose I will just have to find a processor with the features that are needed. The Reddit CEO said Bitcoin was accounting for about 2.5% of total transactions and 3.4% of total net income for Reddit Gold (purely digital product). So there is the financial incentive to move people towards paying in Bitcoins since I will keep more as a merchant.
Any recommendations on which carts that would be WordPress compatible with various Bitpay plugins would be best to use for simple digital delivery?
Any recommendations on which carts that would be WordPress compatible with various Bitpay plugins would be best to use for simple digital delivery?
I started exploring WooCommerce a while back and it looked like it could support most of what I needed. I then saw this thread, hoping eJunkie would wake up. Now that they've declared they've awoken but simply don't care, I'll revisit WooCommerce and if not available, look at 3DCart.
I am sorry if you all think that my post pointed to the idea that we do not care about your request that we integrate with BitCoin, that is not the case. However, as I mentioned, we are currently working on upgrading our entire user interface and we need to finish that before we can look into integrating with any new payment processors.
I think what some of us are getting at is that we keep hearing about all of this activity going on but when we look at the site and use the cart there is not any visible change. You have been saying the same thing for years and nothing changes. But things are changing outside the cart.
I love the cart. I've made a lot of money with the cart. But I need to see that the development is progressing.
I put in a request for Stripe.com and others are requesting BitCoin. We aren't told if there is any consideration - just that "we are working on the non-flash interface". Well that has been going on for years. Some of us have programming backgrounds, have managed projects large and small. Just give us something to see. Some indication that things are indeed moving forward. Something other than "when we finish the non-flash" that you have been saying for a very long time.
Thank you for allowing me to rant a bit! I still like the service and use it. But it is time to play some catch up.
Shopify just announced they have complete Bitcoin integration using Bitpay for their 75,000 merchants.
I know how you feel. Just do not really want to take the time to switch out all the E-junkie code for one that also processes with Bitcoin since I already have a Bitcoin option working.
Really not sure why E-Junkie does not just spend 2-3 days of a developer's time and get it integrated. It is really not that difficult from an development perspective.
I can understand that an HTML5 interface would take priority over Bitcoin implementation. But tell Robin Kohli that Bitcoin integration should be second on the list. There are many people who are willing to help develop bitcoin for free or cheap.
@Sunnankar, what Bitcoin option do you have working right now? How are you doing that?
I have digital products listed in CoinDL.com but there is a hefty percentage of gross sales fee.
There are also some WordPress plugins that integrate Bitcoin with the shopping carts but I have decided against implementing them sitewide but instead keep them on dedicated domains for particular products. I suppose it would be possible to use the plugins and completely bypass both CoinDL or E-Junkie but that could interrupt the user experience with multiple Buy Now buttons, etc.
I need a solution that does not distract and decrease conversion rates. Hence the E-Junkie integration. Otherwise I suppose I could go with Shopify or one of the WordPress plugins like WP-Commerce with a Bitcoin module. Not sure it is worth the time to get it done though since the Bitcoin users can go to CoinDL so easily.
Interesting. I'm still using the E-Junkie cart. But with a bitpay product button next to the e-junkie buttons in a similar style. See 4http://zenmagnets.com/dev1/the-zen-gift-set/4
But it's a pretty roundabout way of doing it. On Black Friday a third of our orders were in Bitcoin.
Considering wordpress with woocommerce.
That looks functional. But the extra button is a distraction and might decrease conversion rates. Probably not worth the effort to try and get WooCommerce integrated though. At least that is what I have found.
Of course, once you do move over to WooCommerce I doubt you will come back to E-Junkie. Shopping carts are pretty sticky.
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