6 / 6
Aug 2012

I think we've already resolved this with you via email; just reply to that ticket if you need further assistance.

I got it fixed. I had to go to Help Menu (Firefox) / Troubleshooting Info / Then Reset (Default). It works now. Thought this may help others on E-Junkie in future. Fred

I spoke too soon! Ugh!!! I just checked it again and the button is missing again! I reset to Firefox default again and the button is back!!! It is now 2 a.m. I guess this is an issue with Firefox? I appreciate the help emails I have received from you guys. I HOPE I get this resolved once and for all.

It appears we've been working with you on this via email, so we can just continue the discussion there if necessary.

Yes, that is fine. But I do wish to state that I appreciate you guys. Thank you for your help.