1 / 13
Dec 2009

A client recently purchased two items, my weight-loss course and a book about sauces. (I think the course might be messing things up somehow because it is a redirect to a page of my site versus a regular download.)

The book about sauces includes two free ebooks. I see that she has received two separate emails for these two books because I receive notification in my email when these are sent.

But it seems that, according to her email to me, after she made the purchase of all the items (in one purchase), she was taken to the page to download the weight-loss course. Then, she was not able to get back to that page to download the rest. (I think when she wrote this note she was not aware that the two freebies were sitting in her email.)

But what concerns me is: Where is the link for her to download the sauce book? Would that have been included with the page that says "click here to get to the course (sic.)"? Would this have been a separate email?

This is the first time someone has purchased all of the books/course I offer, so this is the first time I am dealing with this. Thanks for your help. :)


  • created

    Dec '09
  • last reply

    Dec '09
  • 12


  • 1.1k


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  • 2


Can you send us the transaction ID so we can take a look at the thank you page the buyer was sent to?

Is this it?

invoice: vicd0q3bwdcyxf08682cz4dck0gk4wkc00gcss

That's the Invoice ID, but you can run a search for that in your Transaction Log as well. When you bring up the order in your log, you can click on the Transaction ID to bring up the common thank-you page for that order, which you will see has all items ordered on it.

I think perhaps this buyer was confused by receiving 7 separate thank-you emails (one for each product ordered, plus one more Common Thank-you Email), and each of those would have a link to the thank-you/download page only for that product, rather than a common all-in-one thank-you download page.

Maybe some of those messages got filtered into her spam folder; the more words and URLs you add to a thank-you email message, the more likely that is to happen, which is why we recommend keeping your thank-you emails as short as possible, so you'd want to save any promotional or explanatory text for the thank-you page.

If you would rather send just one, common thank-you email to each buyer, providing a link to a single, common thank-you/download page for all products they ordered together, please see this discussion:


Thank you, Tyson.

Is it possible to have a common thank you for all products except one? My course has special instructions that they MUST read before clicking the link to be redirected to my site. (I cannot put these instructions in a thank you for all products, only when the course is one of those purchased.)

Also, in general, after a purchase is made they are brought to a page to download the stuff, plus they receive an email(s) with the same download. Is it possible to turn off those emails they receive so they only go to the download page after purchasing? Or would that be a bad idea? ;O)

You can turn off the e-mails by doing the following. Go to Seller Admin>View/Edit/Delete Products, select a product and click Edit. On the first edit screen, on the right side, The is a check box for Enable Templated E-mail, place a check in the box. As long as you leave the large e-mail field above it blank your buyers will not get a thank-you e-mail. Make sure to click Next until you can Submit the changes. You will have to do this for all of your products.

You can make a custom thank you page for a product by going to Seller Admin>View/Edit/Delete Product, select the Product and click Edit. Then click the Next button until you are on the page that instead of Next it says Submit. On the left side is a large field for a custom thank you page just for that product.


Thank you so much for your assistance. :O)

Is it possible to have a common thank you for all products except one?

You can setup a common thank you page that works for all you products by going to Seller Admin>Edit Account Preferences. And then for the one product create a custom thank you page for it as I described above.

Hmmmm, so if I understand you correctly.

Right now, according to the settings I chose (I checked the box for enable templated email and erased the info I had written in the box above it, and filled out the box in the custom thank you section) if they purchase more than one item, they will receive ONE thank you page that will not be emailed to them, but which will open in a new window.

If I want a custom thank you page for the one item with special instructions, I should still keep the box checked for enable templated email/erase the info in the box/fill out the custom thank you section? Then they will be taken to the page with my special instructions? But what if they order this special course PLUS extra ebooks -- will the links to the extra ebook downloads be included with these special instructions?

I just want to be sure because I am trying very hard to:

-- Delete any and all emails to them -- I just want them to be brought to a download page.

-- Bring them to ONE download page after purchase, no matter what they buy or how many items they purchase, while ensuring they receive the thank you page with special instructions when they purchase the course

Thanks for hanging in there with me! :O)

If someone purchases the products that has special instructions and a product that has just the thank you page, then the buyer will get the thank you e-mail with the special instructions and they will be taken to the thank you page for the other product after they complete their payment at the payment processors site.

Just to clarify:

I am thinking I do NOT want one thank you email for all products, then.

So right now I have enable templated email/erased the info in the box/fill out the custom thank you section for ALL of my products. So I want ZERO emails going for any purchases. They each have their own thank you filled out.

So is the following correct?...

If someone purchases 1 ebook, they will be directed to the thank you page.

If someone purchases 1 or more of my ebooks, they will be directed to the thank you page.

If they purchase the course with special instructions, they will be directed to the thank you page.

If they purchase the course with special instructions AND more than one ebook, they will be directed to the thank you page.

In other words, no matter what they buy or how many, they will NOT receive an email but will be directed to the thank you page with or without special instructions, depending on if the course is involved.

Do I have this right?

Thank you so much for your help!!

I think maybe there has been some confusion here, so I will try to explain how things work.

It is not possible to disable the Common Thank-you Email for a specific product -- by definition, it is sent for every sale.

If the buyer finishes checkout and proceeds to the thank-you page before the payment processor has completed actually processing the payment (withdrawing funds from the buyer's account and committing them for deposit to your balance), then the buyer would only see a generic thank-you page asking them to check their email for further instructions. Therefore, you DO want to send a thank-you email for digital products -- if not a Common Thank-you Email, then at least separate emails for each product.

After payment has completed, when the buyer proceeds to the thank-you page directly following checkout, or using the [%thankyou_link%] sent in any thank-you email, that will bring up a combined thank-you page for every item in their order. Product-specific thank-you page customizations (from the "Message (HTML)" field of each product's settings) will appear after each product itemized on that page, followed by common thank-you page customizations (from Admin > Account Prefs > Common Thank-you Page HTML). Here's an example page to give you an idea how this would look:


If the buyer only purchased a Redirection product alone which has no product-specific Message (HTML) thank-you page customization, and if their payment is completed by the time they proceed to the thank-you page after checkout, their Redirection will be activated instantly, and no thank-you page would be displayed at all. Otherwise, if the product has thank-you page customizations, then a normal thank-you page would be shown with the customization and a link to click to activate the Redirect.

If the buyer reaches a thank-you page from the [%download_link%] included in a product-based thank-you email, that page will only show the product's name and link, then product-specific thank-you page customizations from that item's "Message (HTML)" field, then any common thank-you page customizations. Again, if this is a Redirection product without any product-based customization, then the [%download_link%] would activate the Redirection instantly.

10 days later

Whew! After a complete meltdown of confusion, I finally figured it out. Thank you so much for explaining all of that to me, Tyson.

One HUUUUUGE thing I was missing is that you can include a link to the Thank You Page in the Common thank you email by adding the following: [%thankyou_link%]. This way, I can turn off all the separate thank you emails, have just one common email go for all the products in one lump email, and they will have this link -- [%thankyou_link%] -- that will take them to the Thank You Page with the special instructions, such as for my redirect.

The other HUUUUUUUGE thing I was missing was where the common thank you email box thingy could be found: in Preferences. This is such an important point, and I was in too much of a rush to find it before.

Again, thank you for your help!! And if you see anything I just wrote that you feel is in error, please do let me know. :O)