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May 2009

Greetings E-Junkie,

We are currently running into an issue which has been brought in previous discussions - in our case, we have a baseline service that must be purchased before they are allowed to buy additionally upgrade options. However, we can not enforce this with the current setup.

Is there anyway that we can have a rule which would not allow persons to purchase upgrade services unless they have the base product in their cart?

Your help is much appreciated.


  • created

    May '09
  • last reply

    May '09
  • 4


  • 1.1k


  • 3


  • 1


You might want to investigate the custom approach this merchant developed on their own:


If you Add to Cart an item there, you will see they devised a way to add an upgrade item inside the cart itself, and if you add that upgrade item and then remove the original, the upgrade item gets removed as well. We cannot provide further assistance with this, as we don't actually know quite what they did or how and weren't involved in that anyway, so any questions should be directed to that merchant if they're willing to help.

You might want to investigate the custom approach this merchant developed on their own:


If you Add to Cart an item there, you will see they devised a way to add an upgrade item inside the cart itself, and if you add that upgrade item and then remove the original, the upgrade item gets removed as well. We cannot provide further assistance with this, as we don't actually know quite what they did or how and weren't involved in that anyway, so any questions should be directed to that merchant if they're willing to help.

It seems that e-Junkie was helping with the follwing -

StefanieWe're going to add the ability to only allow checkout if the cart has reached a specified total.

We'll add it to your Seller Admin first and then later add it as a feature for everyone.

We'll let you know when we've added it, but it should take about a week. :)

Even if we just had the option to add a minimum price before purchase - this would be quite helpful.....

Hm, I'm not sure what the status of that was, but I will assign this to Development for their consideration.