I have sent a message to every email address we have on file for that merchant to bring this matter to their attention, just in case your own emails did not reach them for some reason.
It appears you only joined E-junkie near the end of last month, so please bear in mind that most E-junkie merchants typically pay out commissions as a monthly lump sum sometime in the month following when they were earned -- e.g., commissions earned on sales in April would be paid out sometime in May; however, each merchant is free to pay out commission earnings whenever and however they wish. This is clearly explained in the Getting Paid section of our Affiliate help page here:
Your business relationship is with the merchant directly and solely, so if you cannot resolve the matter amicably with them, please bear in mind there is nothing we can do to "force" them to comply. E-junkie is just an automated software service that thousands of merchants use to manage their own Affiliate program independently, so we have no way of knowing what instructions they may want you to follow or how they choose to administer their program using our software. Our system does not even handle any actual payment funds from buyers; all payment funds go to the seller directly via a third-party payment processor like PayPal, so it is the merchant's responsibility to pay any and all commissions earned out of their own pocket.