3 / 7
Jan 2008

I placed '1' in the maximum use count. Does this number in the maximum use count field limit each customer to only one use of this coupon/discount?

  • created

    Jan '08
  • last reply

    Jun '10
  • 6


  • 1.2k


  • 4


I thought that if you put the number "1" in the maximum use count it will bar anyone attempting from using the discount more than one time? You said below "...that's the "total" number of times a discount code code be used." Therefore by putting "1" into this field any given customer would be limited to using the subject discount only once. Right?

2 years later

Just to be clear on this ... I've created one discount (say it's called "Special Customers"). In that discount, I've listed these discount codes:




With the "max use count" set to one, each one of those discount codes can be used one time, correct? Or does it mean that "Special Customers" can be used only once, using one of the three listed codes?


Hi Rob,

Each separate discount code will be tracked individually, so they will get one use each rather than "Special Customers" having one use in general.

After you add the discount you should notice that each code appears on the drop down menu for your discount codes separately, each with their own counter to track their use.