4 / 4
Sep 2015

Hi, I offer a few ebooks via ejunkie all of which are for personal use. This means that noone would purposefully want to buy two copies of an ebook. Is there any way to limit the quantity in the shopping cart to 1 per ebook? I have many international users and I would like to avoid future refunds because of user's shopping cart errors. Thank you very much!

  • created

    Sep '15
  • last reply

    Sep '15
  • 3


  • 1.5k


  • 3


  • 1


Certainly, there is an option in your product settings for that. Uncheck the box titled "Let buyers edit quantity" and then only one copy can ever be added to the cart at a time.

Thank you for your quick response. You refer to "Let buyers edit quantity at cart", right?

If in one session a buyer puts two of the same ebook into the shopping cart by clicking on "add to cart twice", unclicking the above would result in the user not being able to make edits to the wrongly entered quantity, correct?

Is there any other way when I can limit the quantity?

Many thanks!

Yes, unchecking "Let buyers edit quantity at cart" in that product's settings will allow buyers to have only one of that item in their cart at a time. Clicking Add to Cart for the same item multiple times will not put multiple instances of that item in the buyer's cart nor increase the item quantity; it will only display the cart with one unit of that item already in it.

You might also consider using a Buy Now button which bypasses the cart to cake buyers directly to instant checkout for just one item at a time; however, this type of button cannot use features that depend on the cart -- see details here:
