I am experiencing ADD TO CART and VIEW CART contents to be exactly the same!

In my understanding, i believe that when i click ADD TO CART, it is supposed to only show that 1 product content. For example:

No. Item Remove Quantity Amount (SGD)

1. Adovia Dead Sea Mud Shampoo 28.00

Then when i Continue Shopping, let's say i want to buy another product, then it should similarly also only show that 1 product content. For example:

No. Item Remove Quantity Amount (SGD)

1. Adovia Pure Dead Sea Mud - Jar 20.80

I believe that 'Total' and the 2 products' contents that i want to buy, should only be reflected at checkout or when i click 'View Cart'. For example:

No. Item Remove Quantity Amount (SGD)

1. Adovia Dead Sea Mud Shampoo 28.00

2. Adovia Pure Dead Sea Mud - Jar 20.80

Total: 48.80

However, currently, what i am experiencing is that both 'Add To Cart' and 'View Cart' shows the same contents. There is no differentiation between the 2 different buttons and there is no Handling fee charged upon total order and when i view cart in overall (which i have already set in Cart Shipping settings)

So, what i see for 'Add To Cart' and 'View Cart' is both the following contents:

No. Item Remove Quantity Amount (SGD)

1. Adovia Dead Sea Mud Shampoo 28.00

2. Adovia Pure Dead Sea Mud - Jar 20.80

Total: 48.80

If its supposed to be like this then there's no differentiation between the 2 buttons...please kindly clarify. Thanks!

  • created

    Mar '09
  • last reply

    Mar '09
  • 1


  • 679


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The way all shopping carts work, when you Add to Cart an item, you see the cart containing that item as well as all previously-added items.

This is designed to imitate shopping at a store in real life, where you add items to your cart or basket and see all the items you added in your cart together at once -- when you put an item in your cart at a real-life store, the other items don't disappear only to reappear at the cashier stand later, no? :^)

The difference between the buttons is that Add to Cart is product-specific and puts that particular item into the cart and shows the complete cart contents including that new item, but View Cart only shows the complete contents without adding any new items to the order.

Regarding the matter of Shipping/Handling charges, let's continue that where we're already discussing it separately:
