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Jun 2008


Is it possible to change the upper LHS shopping cart image?

I am using this code but its not working.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


function EJEJC_shown() { jQuery("#imgHeader").attr("src", "http://www.removed for privacy.com.au/images/mix/ejunkie-Cart-Img.gif"); }

// -->


Any ideas?

Thanks and all the best.

  • created

    Jun '08
  • last reply

    Jun '08
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Ive asked before but might as well as again here since it is same topic.

Can we also move the e-junkie graphics over and down a bit from teh top let-hand corner. It rides so close to the edge it does not look very good.

Can you guys adjust this or is there a way for us to adjust it.


The only cart customization options we officially support are those described on this help page:


If you wish to accomplish other customizations beyond what we support and document, you're welcome to hack at it until you figure out something that works. We don't recommend and cannot provide any support for that, and if we ever happen to change our backend code in a way that breaks your custom hack, then that's also up to you to troubleshoot and fix that. Not that we would ever do that intentionally, but it could happen, since only those customizations we know about and support are deliberately accounted for when maintaining our codebase.

Good luck and happy hacking! :^)

Anybody know how to move the graphic and text to the left more. The graphics and text are hugging the left edge way too much and it does not look near as good as it could with a simple move to the right an equal distance to that of the top spacing.


Perhaps you could update the text of that help page as its misleading.

"If you want to explore the things you can change, you can pick the URL from the ADD TO CART and open it in a browser window. You can view source to see various elements of the cart and some of them will have IDs, you can modify them by placing jQuery statements inside the EJEJC_shown function as shown above."

The header graphic has an id of imgHeader - this doesn't seem to work so perhaps list only those that can be changed:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


function EJEJC_shown() { jQuery("#imgHeader").attr("src", "http://www.removed for privacy.com.au/images/mix/ejunkie-Cart-Img.gif"); }

// -->


I'd like to have a crack at cracking the layout for the header graphic but how can I do that without the source code - given that sits on your server?

Sounds a bit too hard for my programming skills.

Anyway, thanks and all the best.

p.s. Lemonbar, please advise if you ever get it happening as I'd love to know how to do it.


I didn't read the customisation page very well the first time.

It seems to add the function EJEJC_shown() you also need the function EJEJC_config() with al least {EJEJC_POSTCALL=true;}

I got the logo replacement working beautifully with this code which I insert at the bottom of the page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


function EJEJC_lc(th) { return false; }

function EJEJC_config() {



function EJEJC_shown() {

jQuery("#imgHeader").attr("src", "http://www.domain.com/images/mix/ejunkie-Cart-Img.gif");




<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/box.js"></script>

And lemonbar, the spacing is better with EJEJC_INITCSS = false; in the above script statement.

Hope this is helpful.

Thanks and all the best.