8 / 8
Feb 2012

Just set up my shipping preferences for tangible goods (CDs and pins, but I also sell downloadable media), but think my International shipping may be incorrect.

I created 3 options:

USPS Cheapest

USPS Priority Mail

USPS Express

My thought was that a person will have the option in the US for least expensive or Priority, and International could choose Express Mail. But when someone in the UK (for example) checks their shipping options, the Cheapest and Priority show up, even though I don't believe those are International options (are they?)

Ideally, I'd like the least expensive and Priority options for the US, and Express for International (as PayPal can print those labels directly

Did that make any sense? :)

Thanks in advance for your help

  • created

    Feb '12
  • last reply

    Feb '12
  • 7


  • 1.3k


  • 3


  • 2



It would be easy to set your shipping to only apply USPS Express for International orders while using Cheapest and/or Priority for Domestic orders, it would just mean changing the rules you have just a bit.

Follow these steps to create those rules:

Go to Seller Admin > Edit E-junkie Cart Shipping Settings.

On the first page, no changes are necessary. Press Next to go to the Shipping Rules screen.

Delete any rules you have created so far, otherwise they will keep applying.

Create your first domestic rule with the following settings:

Shipping Rate Calculator: USPS Cheapest

Country: United States

Leave all other settings alone. Cheapest usually returns the Priority rate anyway unless the weight of the packages (based on your product settings) qualify for First Class so unless you want to be sure to offer a choice between those you don't actually need a second rule for USPS Priority itself. If you want one, just make a second rule as follows:

Shipping Rate Calculator: USPS Priority

Country: United States

Next make your international rule with these settings:

Shipping Rate Calculator: USPS Express

Country: All Countries

"All Countries" is treated as "All Countries Except Those Which Have Specific Rules" so this rule will never be offered to buyers in the US. It will only come up for international orders, just as the Cheapest and Priority rules will not come up outside the US.

Thanks for the help.

I created the rules as instructed, but when I tried to do a sample checkout to the UK for a single CD, the shipping was $43+ or Canada was $32.90

Seems to work OK for US shipping (First Class or Priority)

Can you send us the URL of your live sales page so we can take a look at the whole process?

I tested your site and compared the rates to what is calculated by the USPS website:


And based on the weights you have setup for your product and the envelope itself USPS' servers are returning the correct amounts.

I tested your site and compared the rates to what is calculated by the USPS website:


And based on the weights you have setup for your product and the envelope itself USPS' servers are returning the correct amounts.

Thank you for checking that. I have traditionally sent overseas packages using USPS Express Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes (and I also see that the pricing has gone up for those as well... Oh, USPS, you're not helping your bad financial state by making it more expensive to ship through you... but I digress...) :)

I REALLY appreciate your help and prompt, detailed replies. I'll be sure to recommend e-junkie to others even more going forward!
