4 / 5
Nov 2013

It appears you have correctly set up that page with our JS example to embed your E-junkie-generated thank-you page content (including download links) in an iframe within your page.

Note this will only work when the buyer is redirected to your page after checkout or via one of the [%thankyou_link%] URLs we send to them in a thank-you email message. Otherwise, viewing your page directly without being redirected there via one of our URLs would only display our generic thank-you information, "The payment processor has not yet informed us about your payment...etc."

You can test this by clicking one of the Transaction IDs in your E-junkie Transaction Log, which is linked to the thank-you page URL we generated for that buyer.

Ohh wait, it appears WordPress has slightly mangled the iframe-embedding JS in your page. Firefox is coping with it alright, but other browsers may not. We would recommend using the Raw HTML plugin for WordPress to help ensure WP does not mangle the code after you paste it in:


There may be a similar plugin for WP that lets you paste the more reliable PHP embed code into your WP pages instead of having to use the JS version -- this one looks promising:


Thanks, but I get the same misbehavior with both js and php. I already tried with a plugin to insert php.

Hm, it appears you have deleted the thank-you page on your site that you linked above, so we can no longer examine any code you may have placed there. PHP code is also interpreted by your server before it sends the page to the buyer anyway, so in that case there would be nothing for us to examine in viewing your page.

The JS and PHP iframe embed code examples we document have been tested and proven to work when properly added as-is to a page; it's up to you to get that code into your page without having it become garbled somehow.