18 / 18
Sep 2009

I seem to have my button code for my gateway payment processor working but when I click on the go back link I am returned to my last page (the payment page or add to cart page) instead of my home page or product page. Here is the where I have my temporary index page at. http://blacklightshop.com/new/index.htm and help will be greatly appreciated.


Hm, there doesn't seem to be any page now at the URL you provided. At any rate, make sure every page with any Add to Cart buttons also has at least one block of View Cart code as well.

Sorry Tyson about the missing url it should have read


Well as they say garbage in garbage out. So the view cart has to be on every payment page?

If you have a chance again please take another look and please make any suggestions you can.


Yes, you need one block of our View Cart code on every page that has any number of our Add to Cart buttons. That should also solve the problem you described with the go-back link during checkout.

On the product pages I looked at, I noticed you have two separate Add to Cart buttons for each product, one for PayPal buyers and one for everyone else. That's not really necessary, since our cart supports PayPal as a checkout option. Having two separate buttons and carts for PayPal vs. non-PayPal would likely confuse many buyers, who may just get frustrated or leery and leave your site without buying anything. There should be no difference in cost whatsoever for you or for buyers using our cart with the PayPal checkout option vs. using PayPal's own cart buttons.

To add a PayPal checkout option in your E-junkie cart, just go to your E-junkie Seller Admin > Edit Profile and enter your PayPal login email where indicated, then Submit to save changes.

Hi Tyson....I have followed what you have suggested in your last post but for some reason some of my payment pages will say "Continue shopping" which work very well and then as I add another page and checking the code it will say "Go Back" and it will not do anything just remains on that payment page.


You may notice that the Go Back carts take up the whole window, while the Continue Shopping carts are displayed as a nice overlay "in front of" your regular page. This suggests your View Cart code may be incomplete on the pages where the full-screen cart with Go Back button is appearing, or you may be using the non-JavaScript version of our Add to Cart button codes on that page (on the Get Button Codes screen, make sure you leave checked the box that says "Uncheck this for Myspace...etc.").

Bear in mind that you cannot simply copy a View Cart button from one of your pages to paste into another, as there is more to the View Cart code than the clickable button link itself. Always copy your View Cart code directly from your Seller Admin to paste into all of your pages. Your View Cart code is unique to you but the same for all of your products. If this does not resolve your problem, we would need the URLs to specific product pages where the problem is happening.

That page appears to be missing the lower half of your View Cart code from Seller Admin; it only has the clickable button link for View Cart (the part from <a href=... to </a>), without the script lines that call upon the programming that generates the nice cart overlay (the part from <script... to </script>).

Hi Tyson....this error occurs on a couple of pages and I have no idea as to what the problem is after looking at my code, etc and comparing it with an error free page.

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.0.0; .NET CLR 3.0.30729)

Timestamp: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 23:43:08 UTC

Message: Object expected

Line: 158

Char: 1

Code: 0

URI: http://www.blacklightshop.com/new/51led.html

Message: Object expected

Line: 158

Char: 1

Code: 0

URI: http://www.blacklightshop.com/new/51led.html

I would appreciate your advice..

Same situation there, that page is missing the <script> half of your View Cart code. If you're sure you're pasting that in, then your Web design software may be stripping it out when you save the page, or perhaps when you switch from the HTML code view to the WYSIWYG visual-style mode, in which case you could try saving the page directly from HTML view.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.. Do you cook too?

Thanks an awful lot.


Hi Tyson......I have my website up and running now. For now I have a separate PayPal button and the shopping cart from E-Junkie for those using Authorize.net our gateway payment processor. Please take a look and let me know what you think. I know there will be some editing in the next few days regarding keeping the pages looking the same, logos, background colors, etc but for now I just wanted to get the shopping cart up and running because I know buyers would be frustrated ordering one item and then going back to the site to order another. Looking forward to your reply and critique and again thanks for all your help as I would have never been able to do this without it. When you are 84 years young a lot of the neurons seem to disappear.




We can't really look through your whole site to verify everything's setup correctly for all your pages and products, but you can certainly do so yourself. Just go through your site one page at a time, and make sure you can add all your products to the same cart together using the Add to Cart buttons on your site. This page gives some tips for testing your setup with an actual checkout:


Once you verify to your satisfaction that your E-junkie buttons and cart are all working correctly, we would recommend adding your PayPal email in your E-junkie Seller Admin > Edit Profile screen, so buyers using your E-junkie cart would be able to proceed to checkout with PayPal, and then you can remove the dedicated PayPal Cart buttons from your site. This would prevent buyer confusion and improve your conversion rate.

Hi Tyson.....my first customer was unable to complete a transaction. I then made a payment for a product a sharpie pen and completed the payment form and submitted it and it can up with an error saying there was no description for the product. I know I have description field integrated with Authorize.net as it very important field for us. How come the description field does not show up in E-Junkie. I then tried again and a error message saying the product was not uploaded yet? Then I tried about a half hour later and after 3 attempts it kept saying my card was invalid. Which it not and info was put in correctly. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

My website is http://blacklightshop.com and the product was a sharpie pen for $7.95.

Hey there Bill,

I looked at your account and noticed that you have the sharpie setup as a single file download. Since your issue is not one we have come across before I'm wondering if this is what might be the cause of the errors, as we are notifying Authorize.net of a digital sale and at Authorize.net you have a tangible product setup.

Can you Edit your Sharpie Product so that instead of it being listed as Single File Download you have it setup for shipping and then test the product again?

I actually have about 21 products that I thought I uploaded but when I seen a post on the forum about upload product file button and the advice I went back and was not able to find it but I did a new single for the Sharpie and upload product button I used that and it went through OK I then entered an order for it and it went through and the payment info came through as an email but when I went to Authorize.net to see the transaction it was not there and there has been no orders since 9/1/09 which is unusual and didnt know if there was any correlation between E-Junkie as that was about the time I started putting the cart together. Looking for any help at all.

Confused In Pgh.

I guess I'm confused on something, are selling digital products or tangible ones?