
I'm still trying to get a handle on this Affiliate Program thing.

Just going through the affiliate programs on-line, I can't find any statistics (where I think they are supposed to be) about how well a product's affiliate program is doing in terms of sales and commissions. That is vital info. for both the seller and the prospective affiliate marketer.

If e-junkie does not provide a system for reliably tracking sales and commissions of one's own products for purposes of providing it to prospective affiliate marketers, then where can I locate such a system???

Thank you!

  • created

    Sep '09
  • last reply

    Sep '09
  • 1


  • 1.0k


  • 2


We don't really calculate stats for you; however, you can to go Seller Admin > View/Download Transaction Log, select any specific date range, product, and/or affiliate you wish, and click View Log to view only transaction data matching those parameters.

You can then click Download Log to save that log view to a file on your computer which you can open with a spreadsheet program such as Excel or (free) Gnumeric, and run whatever statistical analysis you wish from there.

Affiliates can see details for every commission they've earned, by going to their own Affiliate Admin > View/Download Earning Report for any seller's affiliate program they've joined, and that report can also be downloaded to a spreadsheet file.