I am trying to set up my cart to return the shipping address of my customers to me, and the help documentation is very confusing since what seems straightforward does not appear to actually work.
First, I have read through this page about integration: <http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/help.integration.htm>
Here is my understanding of what happens compared to what I am trying to get to happen:
1. I click on the Send Transaction Data to URL option when configuring a product.
2. I enter my Payment Variable Information URL
I have tried 2 methods. First, I use http://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/oplug.php?&aweber=MYLIST@aweber.com&postto=http://www.MyDomain.com/MyCustomPage.php which should activate my aweber integration (this works) and then post my data to my custom page (this does not). I have also tried entering just http://www.MyDomain.com/MyCustomPage.php which does not seem to do anything. (Obviously, I use a valid Aweber list name and a valid page to post the data to.)
3. I finish setting up the product and save the order.
4. A customer comes and places an order.
5. Once they enter all of their information and place the order, the customer is sent to the redirection URL that I specified separately. (This works.)
6. I receive emails from various sources - receipts, payment processor notifications, etc. However, I do not receive an email from my script that the variables are supposed to be posted to. I have tested this script and it does in fact send me an email when it is called, however, it is never getting called and I am not receiving notification. If I have the aweber integration turned on, then that part does work (if they click on the box to receive updates).
I have tried setting this up with a test product that is set up w/no charges as well as one that has a cost associated with it just to make sure to cover my bases, but that did not seem to make a difference (and it shouldn't). That page is just not getting called at all.
How do I set it up so that the address information gets posted to my custom page? I will have a different script for each product so I do not want to set a standard script for my entire account. If necessary I can write the script to work that way but would prefer to have this work on a product by product basis, which appears to be possible given the documentation but which does not seem to actually work.
I am not looking for help with my script that processes the data; right now it doesn't do anything other than send me an email with all posted variables and that is working fine and has been tested. I just can't get the page to get called once an order is placed.
What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it?
Thanks in advance,
- Blaine