When a buyer clicks any hop link for your affiliate program, they will be redirected to your landing page URL for that link while our system sets a cookie in the buyer's browser that expires in 6 months. Every product the buyer purchases from you during the lifetime of that cookie will earn the referring affiliate a commission according to your specified share percentage.
If you wish, you can set up a product-specific hop link that leads directly to a sales page for that product, and you can define a product-specific share percentage which would override your common share % for all affiliate-referred sales of that product.
Regardless of what type of hop link the buyer followed, the referring affiliate will earn your product-specific share % on any purchased items that have one, and earn your common share % on any other purchased items. At present you must enable an item's product hop link in order to have a product % that overrides the common % on sales of that item; however, we are planning to make these settings independent in the future.
This help page explains our affiliate settings in more detail: