Hi, I just joined up to sell my first e-book.The Buy it Now button works great, but it displays a Visa/mastercard logo. How can I make it show the Paypal logo instead?Thanks
Hello,You would need to replace the URL of the image currently being used to the URL of the image you want.For example here is a Buy Now button as it would be copied from E-junkie:<a href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=XXXXXX&c=single&cl=XXXXX" target="ejejcsingle"><img src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/x-click-butcc.gif" border="0" alt="Buy Now"/></a>and here is after being changed:<a href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=XXXXXX&c=single&cl=XXXXX" target="ejejcsingle"><img src="http://yoursite.com/yourimage.gif" border="0" alt="Buy Now"/></a>
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