1 / 5
May 2009


Just signed up for the service and I have pretty much set my cart up the way I like, the one issue I am having is I want to change the PayPal button to my own button image. However, when I make the change I am still getting the PP button. What am I doing wrong? What coding mistake have I made?

<a href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&cl=61545&ejc=2" target="ejejc" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" onClick="javascript:return

EJEJC_lc(this);"><img src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/ejview_cart.gif" border="0" alt="View Cart"/></a>

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


function EJEJC_lc(th) { return false; } function EJEJC_config() {EJEJC_WIDTH = 800; EJEJC_HEIGHT = 475; EJEJC_POSTCALL=true;} function EJEJC_shown()

{jQuery("#btnPP").attr("src", "http://www.mydomain.com/images/mybtn.gif");}

// -->


<script src='http://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/box.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

Thanks so much for the assistance.

  • created

    May '09
  • last reply

    May '09
  • 4


  • 1.1k


  • 2


  • 7


The code you posted here looks like it should work fine, maybe remove the linebreak between javascript:return and EJEJC_lc(this);.

However, I was able to find your product page here:


...and when I viewed that page's source, it doesn't appear to have any of the lines of code you posted here to replace the PayPal button image. It only has this:


function EJEJC_lc(th) { return false; } function EJEJC_config() {EJEJC_WIDTH = 800; EJEJC_HEIGHT = 475;}

// -->

Maybe you just need to upload or publish your page with the additional View Cart customization code and then refresh your browser on that page?


Thanks for the assistance. I did not post the button on that page yet, as I did not want to interfere with customer purchases though out the day. I did post it on the about us page without success. I will attempt to put it on the store page and see it that works.

Thanks again.

When I add the correct code, I get the image that I want when I use the "Add to Cart" button from the store, but then whenever I use the "View Cart" button on the store and About page I get "Cart is Empty". Obviously I did something wrong. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Try removing the linebreak between javascript:return and EJEJC_lc(this); -- your View Cart code should look like this on every page where you're using it:

<a href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&cl=61545&ejc=2" target="ejejc" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" onClick="javascript:return EJEJC_lc(this);"><img src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/ejview_cart.gif" border="0" alt="View Cart"/></a>

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


function EJEJC_lc(th) { return false; }

function EJEJC_config() {





function EJEJC_shown() {

jQuery("#btnPP").attr("src", "http://www.greasemonkeywipes.com/images/myccbtn.gif");


// -->


<script src='http://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/box.js' type='text/javascript'></script>