
I have a strange feeling that my affiliate link is not working and therefore I'm not getting credit for my sales. I send Thousands of visitors to this link but no sales from it.

Here is the link on my site:


Is there anyway I can be sure it works?


P.S. When I click on the affiliate link from my website and watch the browser in the upper left corner of my screen - this is what I see:


I don't see my affliate number in that mess anywhere...just a lot of % signs.

  • created

    Mar '12
  • last reply

    Mar '12
  • 1


  • 2.2k


  • 2


  • 3


When you click your Hop Link, you will not see your ID anywhere in the seller's page or URL, nor is that necessary to credit you for the sale, and the buyer does not even need to purchase anything immediately after clicking your link. Clicking your Hop Link sets a cookie in the buyer's browser which expires in 6 months, then we redirect them to the seller's page. Every affiliate-eligible product that buyer purchases from that seller during the life of that cookie will earn you a commission, even if they go back to the seller's site directly later without clicking through your link again.

I can confirm that clicking the hop link you provided does set the proper referral cookie in my browser and redirects me to the merchant's page at:


This is different from that landing page URL you noted, so perhaps the merchant has recently changed something in their affiliate settings? At this point we would recommend contacting the merchant for further assistance/cooperation.