I'm trying to add a product on the store page of my website. The product would be shipped from the supplier directly who lives in Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada. How does Ejunkie know how to accurately calculate shipping when it hasn't prompted me for the supplier's address? I can't just make up a suggested shipping cost since I have no idea where the consumer lives.

Can anyone help please?



  • created

    Mar '12
  • last reply

    Mar '12
  • 1


  • 788


  • 2


Unfortunately, we have no way to define shipping origins on a product-specific basis, only a common origin for all products. Perhaps you could use a specific Packaging Type for that product with a Cost that would cover any difference in shipping from your location vs. that supplier's -- e.g., figure what shipping from the supplier to you would be, so you can add that amount to shipping from your location to the buyer.