Hi Maria, I am pretty certain that each seperate file you upload (and store) on e-junkie is what is considered to be a "product." In our store we sell 6 different software products...but since we offer them as either "Download" or "CD+Download," we actually list 12 products (because each is listed and uploaded for storage on e-junkie twice). If we were going to combine several of those programs together as a "bundle" in one zip file, then that zip file would be one more product (because it would be one file for the customer to download)...but if we were going to offer that zipped "bundle" as either "Download" or "CD+Download" then we would have to list it twice (as 2 products). Does that make sense? Since you're selling downloads or CD, it seems similar. I'm sure that other people have other methods, but that is how we are using e-junkie and it's working great! I would love to see other folks suggestions.