6 / 18
Apr 2009

My products and store is working and accepting transactions. My products are appearing in google web search, but not in google product search. Any ideas how long this normally takes to propagate? Is there something I have to do to get them to appear here?


If you want us to submit your product info to Google Base and Product Search, you must add a Marketplace listing for those products (Seller Admin > "List Products in your E-junkie shop and our Marketplace"). Assuming you have done that already, then we have already submitted your product data to Google, and it's entirely out of our/your hands and up to Google as to what they choose to do, if anything, with the data we submitted.

I assume if they can be bought from my E-Junkie Shop then (which they can) then I have ticked that box (which I believe I did) - correct?

Yes, if you have products listed in your own shop pages on our site, then we have already submitted those products' info to Google Base and Product Search. I don't think it matters if you have actually checked the box to display pricing and allow purchase from your shop pages directly, just as long as you have created and Submitted the Marketplace shop listing for those products. This is required primarily so we have a product description to provide to Google along with the products' other data, since we do not otherwise request a text description when configuring a basic product in Seller Admin.

ok thanks

its weird because they display in search nearly immediately but not in base or the product search.

are you sure this works? i tried to find any listing in product search for e-junkie as the store and couldnt find even one

7 months later
TysonIf you want us to submit your product info to Google Base and Product Search, you must add a Marketplace listing for those products (Seller Admin > "List Products in your E-junkie shop and our Marketplace"). Assuming you have done that already, then we have already submitted your product data to Google, and it's entirely out of our/your hands and up to Google as to what they choose to do, if anything, with the data we submitted.

1) Just to Clarify, if I submit my product to the ejunkie store then store submits them to froogle (google data base.) ?



Yes, creating a Marketplace shop listing for a product will automatically submit the product's data to Google Base, which Google draws from to populate Google Product Search (formerly called "Froogle" :^). We can only submit your product data; we can't guarantee what Google will choose to do with that data, if anything.

Thanks, I have to look at what all it takes to put an product in the market place. I might do but them in the marekt place and learn how to do a feed myself.

Ever little bit helps :slight_smile:


5 months later
coltmansok thanks

its weird because they display in search nearly immediately but not in base or the product search.

are you sure this works? i tried to find any listing in product search for e-junkie as the store and couldnt find even one


We too are unable to locate any current Google Shopping listings from e-Junkie sellers...


Do you have some examples of current Google Shopping content, that is being directed from e-Junkie Marketplace?

Hm, we can only submit E-junkie Marketplace product listings to Google Base (which Google Product Search is derived from), but we have zero control over what they do with our submissions, if anything, if they even accept our submissions in the first place.

I'll ask Development to look into the matter, see if there's anything amiss or anything we can do about the apparent recent absence of E-junkie Marketplace product listings in Google Base/Product Search.

Google has eliminated single sellers from Base and Shopping data file uploads, i.e. larger Marketplaces are the sole authorized contributors for their accounts (sellers) to Shopping listings at this point.

This is covered in some recent Google Base news items, within the last 2 months.


Hm, that's rather interesting to hear, as when I asked our Lead Developer about this issue, he said Google had recently informed us that they will no longer accept or retain Base submissions from multi-merchant shopping sites (such as our Marketplace), and that they will henceforth only accept submissions from single-merchant sites. This seems to contradict the information you received.

I wonder if perhaps the exact truth is somewhere in-between. Perhaps they now only accept submissions from large and diverse "online department store" types of sites that are still for a single merchant, but they no longer accept submissions from smaller merchants nor from multi-merchant "shopping mall" sites like our Marketplace. We'll be contacting Google for clarification on this matter.

Here is the notice from Google on the new product listing policy...

"We're happy to let you know that as of September 3rd, individual sellers on marketplaces no longer need to submit feeds to Google Product Search. Going forward, marketplaces will be responsible for submitting a feed of all their sellers' items, so we will be retiring your account to avoid duplicate entries on Product Search. [Your marketplace host] will also be responsible for ensuring that your feeds are up-to-date and compliant with our policies.

In most cases, marketplaces already submit feeds of their sellers' items. If you have any further questions about your items or Google Product Search, please contact your marketplace host. We look forward to continuing to display your products, and hope you enjoy the new streamlined submission process.


The Google Team"

Thanks for the update; I'll pass that along to Development, so hopefully we can resume mass submissions to Google Base/Product Search. :^)

News to us, today...



Google has now split Base into 2 modes, one for larger Marketplaces such as e-junkie, and a new Google Merchant Center for sellers wanting to maintain direct control over listing feeds and Checkout integration; if you're an e-junkie seller the Marketplace uploads via e-junkie would apply, if Google Checkout is integrated into e-junkie (Checkout is apparently limited to one venue at a time, i.e. you can't sell using Checkout on more than one site at a time, as we understand it).

Merchant Center can be used to maintain a database and links to your online sales listings, beyond any Checkout integration which is still optional.

Anyone setting up a Google Checkout account, or converting their Base listings to the new Merchant Center, should read the Google updates and adjust their Google integration and related online sales venue settings accordingly.

The advantage of e-junkie and some similar marketplaces is the ability to sell using more than just Google Checkout (PayPal, credit card merchant accounts) and some broader exposures in search engines not necessarily linked with Google.


Thanks for the news; I've brought that to Development's attention, so we'll see what we can do. :^)

Great news, we will be following this closely.

Logan Wealing
