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Nov 2008

I am receiving orders as people pay for product on the e junkie buy now buttons...but when the payment goes to paypal, paypal doesn't send a message to e junkie to allow the download. Any ideas how to correct this? I'm spending a great deal of time manually sending out downloads.

  • created

    Nov '08
  • last reply

    Nov '08
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If you are seeing these payments in your PayPal account but not in your E-junkie Seller Admin > View Transaction Log, then PayPal has not informed us that those payments have completed.

First see if the payments are listed as Completed in PayPal; if not, your PayPal account may be set to require manual approval of payments, after which they would notify us of payment completion so we could log the transaction and issue any download links. The first time you manually approve a payment, they should show you an option to automatically approve all payments in the future.

If that is not relevant to your case (i.e., if payments with Completed status in PayPal are not showing up in your E-junkie Transaction Log), then it also appears that PayPal may be having sporadic IPN delays over the past day or so, as reported here:


...although this has not been officially confirmed as an issue on the PayPal Live Site Status page here:


actually, the I P N link at paypal was off. I reset it to on, and www.e-junkie.com as the recipient. Apparently, the system now works!

I think we already addressed this via email, but for the benefit of others who may be reading along here:

It is not necessary to have any IPN set in your PayPal account if you are using purchase button codes provided by E-junkie. That would only be necessary to process PayPal purchases initiated without using E-junkie buttons. It is also not necessary to use PayPal's own purchase buttons to accept payments by PayPal; E-junkie's purchase buttons can (and typically do) hand-off orders to PayPal for checkout payment.

**your PayPal account may be set to require manual approval of payments, after which they would notify us of payment completion so we could log the transaction and issue any download links. **

It was set to require manual approval of payments.

It is not necessary to have any IPN set in your PayPal account if you are using purchase button codes provided by E-junkie.

Not so, at least not in this case. Not trying to be contrary, but the truth is I was (and am) using button codes provided by E-junkie, and as I said, I still had to reset the I P N settings manually at Paypal, since it was off. So apparently future users, aberrations can happen.

But again, all seems to be working fine now. Thank you very much for your help!

newphxNot trying to be contrary, but the truth is I was (and am) using button codes provided by E-junkie, and as I said, I still had to reset the I P N settings manually at Paypal, since it was off. So apparently future users, aberrations can happen.

Likewise, I don't mean to be contrary; this is just clarification "for the record" and for the benefit of others reading along here.

Your site's Order page has a mixture of some purchase buttons provided by E-junkie (the grey ones) and other buttons provided by PayPal (the yellow ones).

Any orders submitted to PayPal checkout using E-junkie's buttons would automatically transmit our IPN URL to PayPal, so there is no need to have any IPN setting whatsoever in your PayPal account for those orders.

However, PayPal-provided purchase buttons know nothing about E-junkie, so any orders submitted using those buttons would be unable to notify our system of completed payment without IPN settings in your PayPal account.

That is why the IPN setting in your PayPal account came into play at all, as that is the only way PayPal could notify us of a payment when the order did not originate with an E-junkie-issued purchase button.