I just received an email that told my I had earned a commission form a affiliate program I use. How do I receive those money, I see no option here to do that. Thanks,Baki
Please contact the merchant who operates your Affiliate program with any other questions you may have about their program. You can use the Contact Merchant function in your E-junkie Affiliate Admin to send a message to the email address we have on file for a given merchant.E-junkie is just a software service that merchants use to manage their own Affiliate programs independently, so we can't really advise you on how they choose to administer their program. Typically, we support automated monthly commission pay-outs using PayPal, unless the merchant chooses to pay out by some other method or schedule.This page explains the basics of using our Affiliate features:http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/help.for-affiliates.htm
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