I'm on the 18 dollar a month option. I want to go down to the lowest option but it's giving me N/A on the update subscription and only allowing me to purchase a higher option (20 dollars upwards). The only other option I have is "Cancel Subscription" which takes me to paypal. How do I DOWNGRADE please, without cancelling anything? Seems like it should be simple and straightforward to do...?? Thank you

  • created

    Sep '16
  • last reply

    Sep '16
  • 1


  • 1.2k


  • 2


The Start/Update Paid Subscription screen in our Admin panel will only offer plans that can accommodate your current usage. Our $20 plan (formerly $18) is the cheapest level that can support Remotely Hosted Downloads (where we'd pull your file from storage on an external server, rather than having the file uploaded to us), so at least one of your products is probably configured to use that feature if cheaper plans are not available to you.